Passing Notes

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Benson POV:

Lio- or Mr Oak- has offered to teach the kittens at his level of teaching, and that level includes the twins, Wolf, Kipo, Troy and me. We attend, nine to three o'clock, Monday to Friday, like Kipo and Troy insist is normal. Me and Wolf agree it seems too much time, but we go along with it. For me, it's mainly to spend more time with Troy. Though Wolf won't admit it, she does it only for Kipo. We all know it.

"Alright, for our constellation project, you will need to split into teams of four. I'll let you choose your partners."

The twins go with a pair of calico twins, and the four of us gravitate toward each other. I can tell Mr Oak isn't happy with the lack of mute-human partnering, but he lets it slide. 

"Every night, a designated team will camp on the canopy and try to map the stars. The team with the most stars correctly mapped wins. Here are your templates and sextons. On the board is what day you will be camping, and good luck! The rest of the lesson will be spent on homework." 

There's a jumble to get the the board, and I get swept with the tide.

Wolf, Kipo, Troy, Benson - Wednesday

"Aw come on! That's like in a week's time!" Kipo slouches.

"Why is that bad?" Wolf asks, stoic as always.

"It's sooooooo long away!" Kipo walks back to her desk, where she perks up as she gets down to doing algebra homework. Troy laughs,

"Kip, how are you happy?! You're doing algebra! Willingly!" 

We settle down to do our work, but my textbook's missing. I turn to the person next to me to ask to borrow one but- curses- it's Troy. Damn it. 

Ok, Benson, just ask him for the book. It's not like you can screw this up.

I lean over and tap Troy's arm. He looks up and I whisper,


Troy laughs quietly, "Sure man." He writes one last thing down in his paper before handing my a textbook out of his bag. When I open it, however, a slip of paper falls out. Intrigued, I pick it up.


it says on the front. On the back it says;

How's your day been?

I smile and look over at Troy. He's bent down over his work, but a tiny smile plays at the corners of his lips. I scribble a response,

Rly good, thanks dude. How'd you get this in your textbook?

I pass it discreetly back to Troy under the table, who catches on and swiftly swipes it with his nimble fingers. The slight touch sends shivers across my body, lightening my mood immediately. 

A few seconds later I feel his foot nudge mine, and the note is back in my hand;

Close up magic. ;) Abracadabra...

I laugh.

"Mr Mekler." Mr Oak says from the front, "Is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

My face, already red from the physical and conversational contact with Troy, deepens in colour, "No, Mr Oak, sir."

He looks at me, then to Troy, his head bent over his work and his face a light pink, then back at me with a very slight smirk. "Ok then, back to work."

Damn you.

Eh, you handled that well.

"Sooooo..." Kipo says, "Troy passing notes to you in class? Pretty romantic, no...?"

I blush, "No, he was just checking in on me."

"Well, I think he likes you, anyway."

"He doesn't like me and I don't like him."

Kipo and Wolf exchange a look. "Ya know..." Kipo says, "We've been learning about countries in lessons, and even though we're in North America, why do I get the feeling you're in da Nile?" She laughs and holds her hand out to Wolf, who slaps it after a moments' hesitation. "That was pretty good." she mutters.

"Ha, ha, very funny." I say, tidying the room up a bit, "But I'm serious. We're friends." Suddenly, a can flies through our window. Kipo pounces on it and withdraws the note inside. Her and Wolf read it silently. The Can System is a three-way rope between this room, Troy and the twins' room, and Kipo and Mr Oak's room. Should one person want to contact another room, insert a note into the can and send it to the designated room.

"Troy wants some help with algebra homework. Wolf, wanna come?" Kipo asks.


"Ok, well, Benson...?"

I blush, "Er...maybe not..." 

"Too bad you're coming!"

I'm pushed out of the door before I can even acknowledge that response, and haste to follow Kipo down the branch to Troy's place. 

Wolf POV:

I read the note again:


Is Kipo there? Could she help with some algebra? Also, don't tell him I said this, but if Benson could come too?


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