The Bandit!

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It's a nice quiet night as Tigress walked the streets of the Valley of Peace. She was wearing a red vest her sister had given her a few days back. She was tall about 5 feet or so tall and she just loved to walk around the valley this time of the year. It was always so...peaceful. The Valley truly lived to its name. There were hardly any bandits and the stars shone brighter. The moon shone right on her as if there was nothing else to shine on. It was the only light she had besides the small lanterns coming from the doorsteps of a few homes. As she walked, though, she didn't notice a large shadow go by. It had a black robe to blend into the night making sure he or she wasn't discovered by the warriors of the Jade Palace. It noticed a small lonely house at the edge of the valley seeing no one to stop it, it cleverly unlocked the front door going inside and closing it again quietly being careful not to wake up the sleeping family. It removed its hood revealing a male panda. His name? Po. He's a bandit. He's been one all his life and always will be. He was wearing gloves to not leave any finger prints behind opening each and every drawer taking anything valuable. Once that was done he left and by morning there was no trace of him.

"How did he escape Tigress?" a small male red panda asked the tiger, from last night, in front of him. "You were out there all night"

"I don't know Master" She answered. "I didn't see anyone out there" They were outside the robed home. They searched for clues everywhere. But it seemed as if no one had been there last night besides the fact that there were stolen goods.

"Well who ever robed this house last night must be a professional." Another tiger right behind her said. She looked like Tigress only she was wearing a blue vest with bird designs on them and a red scar under her right eye. "There's no sign that someone was here last night."

"Yeah they did a good job at hiding it."

"Well we need to keep out a sharper eye on whoever did this. If any of you find anyone suspicious keep a close eye on them. It could be anyone."

"Yes Master Shifu" Both of the tigers said.

"Now... if you will excuse me I need to do some meditation." Shifu bowed before leaving.

"What is with dad and all his meditation?"

"I don't know MaSha but that's none of our business." Tigress told her.

"There's no clue of who robbed this house last night." A monkey said coming from inside the house.

"Nothing?" Tigress asked.

"Nothing" He answered.

"Maybe they just misplaced the items." A mantis on his shoulder said.

"We searched the entire house Mantis" MaSha said. "Don't you think we would have found the missing items?" Mantis looked at her for a second before realizing she was right.

"Good point." He agreed.

"Let's all split out and see if any other homes were robbed and see if we find any clues there" Tigress said.

"Good idea" A crane next to her said. "I'll search through the skies" he added before flying off.

"I'll search through the north" A viper said.

"I'll take the south" The monkey said.

"I'll go with Monkey" Mantis said.

"I got east" MaSha said.

"And I'll take the west" Tigress said before they nodded before splitting up. Tigress walked through the streets and it seemed awfully quiet. Especially for a Monday morning. Everyone was always in a hurry to get their children to school and for them to get to work... but not today. As she walked she heard a scream coming from one of the homes and she quickly ran towards it. When she got there she saw a hooded figure. It was the same one from last night. He quickly sensed she was near because as soon as she got there he quickly ran off with great speed. Tigress ran after him but he was too quick for her and soon she lost him. As if he had disappeared into thin air. A few hours later she met up with the rest of the five and her sister and told them what happened.

"Did you see him or her face to face?" MaSha asked her.

"No... all I know is that he's the thief he tried robbing another home this morning."

"In broad day light?" Monkey asked.

"No professional thief robs a home when anyone can see him." Mantis said.

"They all do it at night" MaSha added.

"Except for this one"

"But it's got to be the same one." Tigress said. "I just know it."

*6 miles away from the valley*

The figure walked into a small shack taking out his cloak raveling a wolf. He was tall and slim. Quite muscular for someone who doesn't work out. He has a black tunic and black pants and one eye.

"Let me guess you almost got caught." A figure in the shadows said. It was male.

"How do you know?" He asked. The figure walked out revealing the same panda from last night.

"I told you Xheng.... Never robed during the day." He told him.

"I'm just starting Chief." Xheng told him.

"You started 5 months ago" another wolf told him. "I've only started 3 months ago and already I know to steal better than you." Xhan rolled his eyes.

"At least I'm not in bad situation with the whole thing of 'Forbidden Love' Kang" Xhan told him.

"Hey Forbidden Love is the best kind of love one can have." Kang said. Po got up hearing their conversation to get tea. "You'll see... that princess will be all mine one of these days."

"Hey Chief!" Xhan turned to Po. "What do you think of all this 'Forbidden Love' with Kang here?"

"That he just forget about it." Po said plainly. 'oooo' the rest of the bandits went.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Kang said getting angry.

"It's forbidden love," Po began taking a sip from his tea. "It's not allowed... You're a bandit Kang and she's a princess. There is no way you have a slightest chance with her."

"That's the point of Forbidden Love Chief" Kang said. "You have to fight for it."

"Enough with this love talk Kang" Po yelled making Kang quiet down. "Tonight we have an important robbery at the Valley of Peace!" He took out a map of the valley as the rest of the wolves gathered around him. "The emperor is leaving his most valuable jewel in the Jewelry Parlor." He points to a building with red circle around it. "The Furious Five and Master MaSha are going to be guarding it, but we get them to spilt up we'll be able to get in." Po explained.

"But how can we do that sir?" Xheng asked.

"By robbing multiple places at the same time" Po said. "You, Gang, Yun, Naro, and Kuo will rob the noddle shop on the other side of the valley. Kang, Lang, Yan, Tie, and Hang will take the homes in the south... and while you're at it... get some food supplies... we're running low."

"Yes sir" Kang said.

"Nayi you and the rest will take the north"

"Yes sir" Nayi said as she handed the bags to the rest. "what do you suggest we take sir?"

"Anything that you find valuable." Po told her. "I will take the jewel and hopefully this is enough to leave at least one guarding the jewel".

*At the Valley*

"Wow" MaSha marveled at the jewel.

"Isn't it amazing?" Viper said staring at it.

"It's the most wonderful thing I've ever seen in my life" Monkey said in awe.

"Please be careful with it" The Emperor said.

"Don't worry your majesty" Master Shifu told him. "The Furious Five and MaSha will make sure it's safe."

"Thank you Master Shifu" The Emperor bowed as Master Shifu bowed back. Tigress took the box where the jewel was placed in and smiled looking at it. It was a semi-large jade jewel in a diamond chain. It's the most expensive jewel in all of China.

"Be sure to keep an eye out for the bandit" Shifu told them once the Emperor left and was out of earshot.

"Yes Master Shifu" They bowed

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