A Little Help From Prince Yang and Love Struck

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MaSha was in her room looking through scrolls to make sure if it really was panda fur and every scroll confirmed it. This clearly was panda fur. Which meant Tigress was falling for a criminal. As she pondered this she heard Tigress in the hallway humming a lovely tone to herself.

"Uh Tigress are you alright?" MaSha asked her walking out of her room.

"Of course I am" She smiled brightly. "Isn't it a wonderful day today?" She said cheerfully. She was holding a lily smelling it before going into her room humming happily. MaSha looked at her strangely and walked to her room seeing Tigress on her bed plucking the petals of the lily. "He loves me" She would say taking one out with a smile. "He loves me not" She frowned. She was a lovesick tiger!

"Tigress snap out of it" MaSha said.

"He loves me!" She exclaimed plucking the last petal before MaSha walked over shaking her by the shoulders.


"But MaSha you were right except it's not just a crush MaSha" She said with a wide smile. "I'm in love MaSha. I'm in love with Po."

"No you can't be in love with Po Tigress you can't feel anything towards him!" She yelled.

"Why not? You're the one who said I had a crush on him."

"Crushes only last at the maximum 3 months! You've known him for 3 days and you believe you're in love?!"

"But MaSha you don't understand Po isn't like other guys I've met. He's everything I needed. Everything you said I deserved"

"I know Tigress but Po is a criminal" MaSha told her.


"I found this piece of fur in the safe" MaSha handed it to her. Tigress looked at the piece of fur then at MaSha angrily.

"This could be wolf fur or monkey fur" She told her.

"No Tigress this is panda fur" Tigress shook her head.

"No Po is not a bandit he's a good guy and I love him" Tigress told her. "And don't you dare accuse him of robbery when he comes over for dinner tonight!"

"You invited him over for dinner?!" MaSha yelled angrily.

"YES! And he's coming whether you like it or not" Tigress yelled back before leaving the room.

*At the Emperor's palace*

"hmm" Monkey looked through garden with the rest of the five until he came across some fur and it was wolf fur much like the one from the wolves he had seen the night the jewel was stolen.

"That looks like Nayi's fur. You know that one wolf that was there when the jewel was stolen." Mantis said.

"Then it must be the work of our mysterious bandit." Viper said taking it from Monkey's hand.

"But we don't even know where he hides out! How are we supposed to find him?!" Mantis exclaimed.

"By setting a trap" A voice came. They turned around seeing a black and white tiger with amber eyes wearing a brown shirt and grey pants.

"Prince Yang!" They exclaimed.

"Hey guys how you doing?" He smiled as they bowed.

"Great your majesty" Viper answered looking at him. "We're just doing some search on who took your younger brother."

"We're having trouble on catching the bandit though" Mantis added.

"Catching a bandit isn't really that difficult." Yang told them. "You just need to set a trap"

"A trap?" Mantis looked curious. "What kind of trap?"

"Something this bandit is interested" Yang told them. "Which bandit are you going after?"

"Well we don't know his name but we know he can be pretty sneaky"

"Oh I know who you're talking about" Yang remembered. "His name is Po Ping. He was a good friend of mine when we were teens." He frowned. "Till he changed."

"What happened?" Viper asked.

"His parents were bandits and his father wanted him to be a bandit as well. So he trained him until he passed away when Po was 17. He became cold and bitter after his mother was killed by another bandit. He was the new boss of the gang shortly after. Po has been the most wanted criminal in the world. He's done kidnappings and robberies all over. Sometimes murder." Yang explained. "The murders weren't done by him though. His sister, Nayi, does. She loves to do the dirty work. Po can be a killing machine when he wants to though." He added. "Trust me on this one. You won't catch him unless he wants you to. You can't fool him."

"How do you know all this?" Crane asked.

"A new report came in at London." Yang explained. "They caught one of his allies and he gave us his name. I know the rest because I knew him."

"Oh that makes sense"

"Did they find your brother?" Monkey asked.

"Not yet but they're searching"

"I hope they find him" Viper said.

"Why aren't you helping search Yang?" Mantis asked.

"Because Yun, said that he's at the valley"

"At the Valley?!" They exclaimed.

"Yeah was there anyone new there?" He asked.

"Um what species is he?" Mantis asked.

"Panda" Yang told him. "Why?" he asked with worry.

"There's a panda at the valley right now"

"That's him" Yang told them.

"Let's go to the Valley maybe we can still catch him." Viper said to the rest of the five before turning to Yang bowing. "Thank you Yang."

"My pleasure call me if you need help" Yang bowed back.

*With Po*

"Where are you going?" Nayi asked Po seeing he was wearing a suit and tie.

"Um out" Po told her adjusting it. Nayi eyed him suspiciously. He hated to wear suits and ties. Their mother always had to force it on him when he was young and now he was wearing one willingly.

"Why the suit?" Nayi asked him making him turn around glaring at her.

"Why do you ask?" He glared.

"You hate to wear suits and ties." She glared back.

"Maybe I want to wear a suit and a tie tonight." He argued.

"You're going on date with that tiger aren't you?!" She yelled.

"Of course not" Po glared. "She invited me to dinner at the palace"

"So we're having the robbery tonight right?" Nayi asked still suspicious.

"Y-yeah tonight it is. You are to take the rest to the front while I distract them at the dinner table." Po told her.

"Good. If I didn't know any better I would say that you were delaying it because you're falling in love with that tiger" Nayi said walking away to gather the rest.

"Of course not" Po told her as she walked out. "Why would I fall...in...love?" He asked himself slowly frowning.

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