The Heist

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A few hours later it was already dark and Tigress was guarding the jewel keeping an eye out for the bandit that's been coming every night for the past few days. MaSha and the rest of the Furious Five weren't there due to the recent reports of some bandits in the other side of the valley and she was left to guard the jewel. Tigress looked at the jewel once again to make sure it was still there in the box inside the safe. Once she saw that it was still there she closed it locking it. Once she turned around there was a hooded figure standing in front of her. Just looking at her.

"Who are you?" Tigress asked getting in a stance.

"I mean no harm." It said. It was male. "I'm a friend not an enemy" He said but unknown to her, since she can't see his face, it was Po the leader of the most wanted bandits in China and Europe. "I was sent here by the emperor" He lied.

"Really?" She asked getting suspicious. "How do I know you're not just some bandit that is trying to get to the jewel?" Po glared at her.

"Fine since that doesn't work" He said as he took out a dagger from inside his cloak. "I guess it'll be done the hard way." He said attacking her but Tigress quickly evaded him. Tigress defended herself as much as she could and soon started to fight back when he tried going for the jewel.

"You're not what I expected tiger" Po said as they fought and quickly stabbed her on the side. Tigress screamed from the pain. "You would make a great bandit too bad your one of the good guys." He said grabbing the jewel from the safe as Tigress laid on the ground trying to keep the blood from flowing. Po began to walk away but Tigress was smart enough to get in his way making him drop the jewel.

"NO!" They both yelled but someone caught it.

"MaSha!" Tigress said with a bit of pain.

"Tigress!" MaSha ran over to her with the jewel on her paw. "are you ok?"

"No! He's getting a way!" she yelled. MaSha turned around and saw Po getting away. She started to go after him but in mere seconds he had disappeared and he had token the jewel from her blindly.

*The next day*

"Did you see his face?" MaSha asked her.

"No I didn't" Tigress said getting up from her bed. "he kept his hood on"

"Did you get a name from him?" Mantis asked

"Oh yeah a bandit is going to give me his name while he's committing a crime" Tigress said sarcastically.

"Oh right...sorry." Mantis said sheepishly.

"That isn't enough information to capture him." Shifu said. "MaSha can you figure out at least who he is?"

"No I need more information. On what he looks like what kind of things he steals."

"Well we know he's after anything valuable." Monkey said.

"He did say that he was sent by the Emperor to check on the jewel" Tigress told her.

"Then he lies in order to commit the crime?" MaSha asked.

"My brother is a bandit" Monkey said. "Whenever he tries to steal something, when there's a guard, he lies to be able to get past them. It usually works depending on how dumb the guard is." He added as they all looked at him. "What?"

"Your brother is a bandit?" Mantis asked.

"Yeah he is a bandit but I haven't seen him in years so I don't know where he is now."

"I think I've seen some descriptions of a few bandits like that but I would need more info on him." MaSha said.

"Well we'll see what we can come up with" Tigress said.

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