Royal Napped

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"I better head home it's getting kind of late" Po said calmly.

"Well it was nice seeing you Po" Tigress smiled.

"It was nice seeing you too Tigress" Po smiled back before leaving.

"You like him" MaSha said behind her.

"What? No. As a friend yeah"

"Right. How do you even like him?

"He's a friend MaSha nothing else"

"Fine fine say whatever you want."

"Let's just head home."

"Did you find any more information on the bandit?"


"You didn't search did you?"

"I got distracted."

"By that panda"

"That panda has a name you know"

"ok ok I get it. By the way... why do you like him?"

"I don't know" Tigress began. "There's just something different about him."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...He's not like the other guys I've met. He's sweet, kind...funny"

"Fat" MaSha whispered making Tigress hit her on the head.

"He's not fat he's just...chubby" Tigress smiled.

"Looks like you have a crush"

"I do not"

"Yes you do"

"No. What makes you think that?" Tigress asked as they stood at the end of the stairs to the palace.

"OI don't know how he makes you smile easily. More than your own friends. How you were giggling when he was making jokes."

"How do you know that?"

"You think I wouldn't pass by and see you?"

"MaSha, you're over reacting. Po is just a good friend to me. Ok? And if you don't like him deal with it. Because I do and I'm going to hang out with him when I want to. You understand?"

"Ugh fine." MaSha groaned heading to her room. Tigress shook her head and went into hers thinking on how Po made her feel. He was different and she liked that, a lot. Maybe her sister was right. She might have deeper feelings towards him. But how did that happened? She hardly knows him. But she'll have to figure it out next time she sees him.

*with Po*

Po smiled as he walked to the hideout. He felt strange. But it was a good strange. His heart was beating quickly and his palms were sweaty every time she was near. But why? Was he sick? Had he just entered another universe? He pondered this as he arrived at the hide out he found Xhan the rest were sitting at the table playing cards while drinking some tea. When Kang and Xhan saw him they quickly got up in fear of him but looked confused when they saw him smiling. Wasn't he just yelling at us? Xhan thought.

"Is everything alright sir?" Yun asked.

"Yes why do you ask?" Po asked going to get some tea.

" reason sir" Yun answered nervously.

"Why so happy brother?" Nayi asked.

"What do you mean?" Po glared.

"You're smiling"

"Is there supposed to be reason?"

"When you're a bandit? Yes"

"I'm smiling because I want to smile." He glared. "Now why aren't you all resting it nearly midnight"

"Don't we have a robbery tonight?" Nayi asked him. "The robbery at the Jade Palace"

"Not tonight Nayi" He said taking a sip from his tea. "That tiger still needs some convincing." Making Nayi suspicious.

"You like the tiger?" She asked suspiciously.

"What makes you think that?" Po raised a brow.

"You never hold back robberies."

"Nayi trust me the tiger has nothing to do with it. I just need her to trust me enough to get me to go inside the palace with a few of you" He told her with a bit of anger. "Besides you look like you have your hands full with The Emperial Army." He glared.

"You saw that?

"Yes you think I wouldn't recognize my sister in one of the wanted signs" He glared showing a picture of her in one of the wanted papers. "What did you take this time?" He asked angrily.

"His son" She glared.


"You said we were going to kidnap him"

"Until we were going to leave for England!" He yelled.

"Well you could have told us!" She yelled back.

"Next time tell me before you do anything else without me!" He yelled "that goes for all of you"

"Yes sir!" They all said now standing.

"All except Nayi, Kang, and Xhan head to bed NOW" He yelled and they all rushed out leaving the four alone.

*with Tigress*

Tigress sighed as she sat on her usual spot at the dinner table with MaSha and the rest of the Five not knowing what to call those feelings she was getting. She barely knew him and yet she felt like she's known him her whole life.

"Is something wrong sis?" MaSha asked sitting next to her. "You haven't touched your food."

"I don't know MaSha" Tigress answered. "I guess it has to deal with Po. I'm just not sure"

"What do you mean? You say he's a really nice guy."

"He is. He's kind, grateful...loving." Tigress told her with a smile.

"I told you. You have a crush" MaSha smiled.

"A crush?" Tigress said unsure.

"That could be it" Viper chimed in.

"I don't have a crush I just feel weird a good kind of weird when I'm with him."

"IT'S A CRUSH!" They all yelled before Master Shifu walked in with Zeng, the palace messenger, with worry.

"Is something wrong Master?" Tigress asked ignoring the rest of the five who were making comments about her having her first crush.

"Yes Tigress something is very wrong" Shifu told her.

"They Emperor's youngest son has been kidnapped" Zeng informed.

"What?!" They all yelled.

"Wasn't Yang there to help?" MaSha asked.

"No Prince Yang left a few days ago to help in England with a few robberies" Shifu told her.

"And the palace guards?" Monkey asked.

"They weren't around because the young prince wanted some time alone" Shifu said. "It is believed that it was one of bandits from our mysterious bandit we're looking for."

"We need to start searching now" Tigress stood up.

"The Emperor said you may start first thing in the morning right now it's too late."

"But it would be too late to start tomorrow Master"

"It was an order Tigress now get some rest everyone we have a long day tomorrow"

"Yes Master Shifu"

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