Chapter 3 "Home field advantage"

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Asuka and Quincy are on approach to the massive obsidian pyramid levitating behind the Monolith and the city around it. Asuka looked at the black ramp leading inside with a look of anxiety, nervously rubbing her lower hands together.

Asuka; "... I'm never gonna get used to this."

Quincy; "You don't have to be so nervous, uh... It's not like he's judging you."

Asuka; "It's not Lekse himself... It's the fact he lives in a gigantic spaceship twice the size of Seattle."

Quincy; "I mean... Technically, he is the ship-"

Asuka; "What?!"

Quincy; "Well, not, like, the entire thing, but it's like his body and-"

Asuka; "Let's... just, go inside, before I get scared and change my mind."

Quincy; "Oh, he's friendly! I've known him for... Well, close to three years. It doesn't sound like a lot, but that's thrice my lifespan if I didn't have this suit."

Asuka looks down, planting her two lower fists on her hips with a sigh.

Asuka; "Ok... Let's go."

Both Asuka and Quincy began making their way up the ramp and onto the ship. They walk through the hallways for many minutes, close to an hour, before reaching a large sapphire cylinder inside a massive room. Within the cylinder, white fumes condensed and coalesced into a humanoid form that walked out. The form was about 4 meters tall, with six fingered hands and two thumbs, black dots in place of his eyes. His face, despite him being a white silhouette, had the appearance of an aged Human, a look of grim resolve and trauma about him.

Quincy; "Lekse... Asuka wanted to speak with you."

Lekse; "Heh... I remember you. You were there to rent the land from Quincy."

Asuka swallowed a knot in her throat before speaking.

Asuka; "Yeah... Quincy said you know a lot about Iskellium: same magic that Pearl has. She's already very advanced in her training, but I want to learn more."

Lekse walked a bit closer, clasping his hands behind his back.

Lekse; "Before I can teach you, you must know the craft; do you even know how Iskellian powers work?"

Asuka; "No... But I'd like to."

Lekse; "Then listen close."

Lekse held up his hands and a projection of three blue orbs formed above him; one had a visage of Asuka, one of a rock, and one of the blocky, cyan energy she controlled.

Lekse; "There exists in Mortalis twelve different Iskel elements, each an aspect of existence. Normally, to interact with the world, you must exert physical force onto it; cause and effect."

A line of blue mist forms between the Asuka image and the rock image, and remains for a few seconds before dissipating.

Lekse; "Iskellium, is the accidental or intentional linking of your soul, or Iskel, to one of these twelve elements."

A sapphire chain forms between the image of the blocky energy and the Asuka image.

Lekse; "In your case, it's Chaotic Iskel: aspect of Gigel'imer, Princess of Chaos. It's with this power you control wormholes and teleportation."

Asuka; "Uh, one question, real quick... Who's Giggle-heimer?"

Lekse; "Gigel'imer, is the Envoy Primeval of Chaotic Iskel. Each type has its' own Envoy that maintains its' presence in Mortalis and ensures it functions properly within the standard laws of physics... Anyways."

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