Chapter 12 "Citizens' Arrest"

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Just outside of the Monolith, Flint, Asuka, Pearl, Ermak, Quincy and Kai stand with Gale and Zyroc in front of them, hands cuffed. Though Gale could breathe inside the habitat bubble, she had a rebreather on, modified to act as a muzzle/gag. A Soviet ship enters orbit overhead with a thunderous boom, a smaller ship coming out of the hangar shortly after. Said smaller ship appeared to be a CH-47 Chinook helicopter with the turboshaft engines modified to make the vessel space-worthy; the propellers folded against the fuselage in a streamlined manner. A smaller boom was heard as the propellers folded out and began spinning up, and the air filled with the sound of the propellers whirring.

The chopper touched down outside the broken gate into the city, which a Mercurian was working on replacing with a pair of plasma screen projectors. The ramp at the back of the helicopter lowered to reveal a score of drones exiting. Half of them took formation, facing each other as the other ten followed Steinberg on approach to the gate. He salutes the six with a smile, clearing his throat before speaking.

Steinberg; "Once again, you've exceeded my expectations, Mrs. Erikson."

Asuka; "Oh, uh... Miss Erikson, please. There's no Mr. Erikson, Major."

Steinberg; "Oh... Sorry for assuming."

He walks over to Zyroc, smirking a bit as he leaned in.

Steinberg; "Of all the members of the Wrath, you've got the most extensive record... Anything to say for yourself?"

Zyroc glared at Steinberg as he let out a haughty chuckle.

Steinberg; "Oh, that's right."

Steinberg backed up and gestured to the one of the drones, and they escorted Zyroc to the Chinook.

Steinberg; "He'll be going to Nazinsky for quite a while, more than likely. As for you..."

Steinberg then walked over to Gale, and she looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

Steinberg; "You're nowhere near as violent as your compatriot... I think you'll be fine going off to Eris."

He drew a Gladius and held it behind Gale, gesturing for her to walk to the ship. As Gale walks away, she glares back to Asuka. Asuka looks down a moment in thought before stepping forward and speaking up.

Asuka; "... Major Steinberg?"

He stopped, and he looked back at the same time as Gale.

Steinberg; "Hmm?"

Asuka; "... I spent three months as a member of the Kenshi Shogunate... I'm a murderer."

Gales' eyes went wide as she confessed. Asuka held out all four of her arms, keeping her wrists close together.

Asuka; "... I deserve to go to prison as much as she does."

Steinberg looked a bit taken aback, gesturing for one of the drones from the lineup to take Gale onto the shuttle, whom was still surprised by what she heard. Steinberg came back over to Asuka, sheathing his sword.

Steinberg; "... Is this so?"

Flint and Pearl stepped forward as well, both a little uneasy.

Flint; "... Y-yes, sir. When y'all found us in Seattle, I told her I'd get clean from drugs if she got back on the straight n' narrow."

Steinberg; "I see... Thank you, then, for your cooperation."

Steinberg took out two pairs of cuffs, locking together Asukas' upper and lower arms, shortly after removing her grappling brace and pistol, handing them to Pearl.

Pearl; "Uh... Shouldn't you confiscate these?"

Steinberg; "Officially, yes... But, if the rest of you have her sense of justice, I trust you with them."

Steinberg gestured for Asuka to follow him, and he led her to the chopper, leaving the five standing in front of the Monolith. They could see Steinberg speak with Asuka before the ramp closed, the helicopter took off for the ship and Steinberg came back to the five.

Steinberg; "So... I was informed that Kai'don and Flint are co-owner in Asukas' absence.

Kais' eyes went wide and she took a step back.

Kai; "... Why me?"

Steinberg simply shrugged, holding his hands behind his back.

Steinberg; "If I knew, I'd tell you. Must be doing something right."

He chuckled a little as Kai awkwardly got back in line with the other four.

Steinberg; "Regardless, no good deed shall go unpunished; The Soviets shall bequeath to the Arcane Alliance nine drones to supplement those that still remain to defend the city, as well as a generous grant for advertisement and building up infrastructure."

Flint; "That's... Mighty generous o' ya, Major."

Steinberg; "Only to return the generous favors you lot have done for us."

Steinberg gave a salute before holding out a hand for a handshake, which Flint shook promptly. 

In the background, Pearl perked her head up and looked skyward to her left. Ermak looked that way shortly after, followed by a sonic boom, causing Steinberg, Flint and Kai to look in that direction. They saw a meteor enter into orbit and crash down outside of the gate, though it appeared to slow down before striking the surface, leaving a much smaller crater than anticipated. Shortly after, a figure stood from the crash, walking out of the smoke to reveal a humanoid form made entirely from metal, a shard of purple crystal exposed in their abdomen.

Flint; "Ain't one uh yours, is it, Kai?"

Kai; "... No, not at all."

They approached the gate, Flint approaching as well with his hand over his holster as Steinberg drew his Gladius.

Flint; "Can I help ya, partner?"

"No... I come here to help you. I'm Overgrowth."

Flint cocked his head to the side slightly, raising an eyebrow.

Flint; "Well, Overgrowth... What're ya helpin' with?"

Overgrowth; "You seek to train Iskellians and other magic users here on Mercury, yes?"

Flint; "Yes, sir, that's what we wanted."

Overgrowth; "It's not safe to do that, especially not here. You can't have too many magic users in close proximity to each other."

Flint; "Why not?"

Overgrowth; "A form of Afflicted... My people call them the Unforgiven... You may know them as the Forsaken."

Pearl; *faint in the background* "Oooh, I do!"

Overgrowth raised an eyebrow and leaned to the side, over Flints' shoulder to see who shouted, seeing Pearl.

Flint; "Don't mind her, she's just a lil' angel... What's so bad about the Forsaken that we can't handle'em ourselves?"

Overgrowth; "They consume energy and corrupt those they feed off into more Forsaken... I know how to combat them."

Then, more sonic booms were heard overhead, and green meteors began touching down where Overgrowth originally landed. Overgrowth got a look of worry as they made landfall in scores.

Overgrowth; "Too late, they've found you!"

Steinberg and Kai came alongside Flint, the others following shortly after. Steinberg brought up his communicator after flourishing his Gladius.

Steinberg; "CSM Steinberg to the Lenin; Proceed without me, I've gotta deal with a situation on the surface, just get the convicts out of here, at least to Earth."

Screeches and growls were heard as more forms similar to Overgrowth emerged from the craters, but more feral and zombie like with green eyes and glowing green mouths, some even on all fours. One of them let out a mighty roar, and they rushed for the gates.

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