Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

I woke up and the first thing I decided to do is to check on Camilo.I let him sleep last night in the room next to mine since this house has a lot of rooms.

I knocked on the door , "Hey Camilo,I was just wondering if you're still there or maybe you already leave?Or wait are you even awak-" my sentence was cut because the door opened.

There, Camilo showed up with his curly hair messy.Okay why is he still handsome with his hair messy?Or is it just me?

"Good Morning Y/n!Sorry I didn't open sooner,I was making the bed.Oh anyways,do you mind if I cook or help you..cook?" he asked scratching his neck.

I nod, "Sure of course!I was planning to cook bandeja paisa and arepas this morning."

His eyes twinkle, "Arepas!!"

I laugh, "Yeah yeah that's my favorite!!Ah let's go to the kitchen I'm sure we're both craving for arepas." I said and guide him to the kitchen.

"I don't quite know how to cook bandeja but I know how to cook arepas..." Camilo mumble shyly.

I look at him while preparing the ingredients neeed, "Oh it's alright,I can cook bandeja and you can cook arepas." I told him while washing my hands and he happily nodded.

I gave him the ingredients:salt,water,one bowl,oil (for cooking),and areparina.Arepas are easy to cook which makes me love it more.

We start cooking our assigned food ,I saw him nodding his head in a beat while making arepas.I shrug.We have different kinds of weirdness in us.I'm sure.

"Oh Camilo,I want to give my earmuffs to Dolores.It can prevent her ears to hurt." I told him remembering to give Dolores earmuffs as I continue cooking.

He tilt his head, "Earmuffs?" he asked very confused.

"I'll show you later,I want to give it personally and maybe you can come with me?" I asked now looking at him.Dolores and I are not that close yet but I heard a lot of stories from Mirabel.

He hum ,"That's a great idea!I have no chores for today so it will be boring if I just stay in my room." he said pouting.

We continued to cook,the kitchen is not that clean so we clean it first.An hour and a half later,we're already finish cooking and cleaning.Finally.

I sighed, "You can go to the dining table,I'll just get our plates and utensils." I muttered to Camilo as I reach for the bunch of plates and bowls in one of the cabinets.What's the point of having so much plates and utensils when I'm living here all alone?

"Nah,I'll help." He said as he also reach for the utensils and the foods we just cook.I smiled at him and we go to diner table carrying the plates,bowls,utensils,and of course—the food.

We sat down and started to put foods on our plates and bowls.

We started to eat not minding each other's business.The food is too delicious so I have to focus on it and ignore everything.

Camilo seems to have the same thoughts as mine.

Minutes later and were done.

"So uh how's the arepas?" He said staring at his empty plate.

I smiled, "It's delicious!Who taught you how to cook?" I then ask out of curiosity.

"I was nine years old when Tía Julieta taught me how to cook!My first dish was arepas because its always been my favorite food for as long as I remember.Then then I kinda accidentally burn the kitchen...?BUT I'm just nine and everything's fine,As a punishment,Tía Julieta didn't let me cook for a month.Since then,I've been careful therefore,I can learn how to cook other foods." He storytelling.

Camilo Madrigal Where stories live. Discover now