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˜the way it is truly painful to read this🤡 you all will never understand how smart and funny I actually am in my native language ( Portuguese) 😭 be felling like Gloria from Modern family.

Cody's pov 

I was super happy I had just showed Noah the cottage and now we're finishing organizing our stuff in the bedroom

Noah: are you done?

Cody: almost 

Noah: ok tell me when your ready

Noah was sitting on his bed reading his book while I finished to unpack my stuff

Cody: finished!

Noah: great so what you wanna do now?

Cody: we could go to the garden

Noah: it's a good idea, I liked it there

Cody: true it's one of my favorite parts here

Noah shook his head agreeing  and followed as I walked to the garden

Once we got there I sat down on one of the benches and Noah sat besides me 

Noah: so Cody do you still like Gwen?

Cody: why that topic? I thought having a "crush" was stupid and that you were already annoyed of listening me talking about Gwen

I let out a small laugh but Noah didn't laugh back he just stared at me than the sky as if he was trying to remember something

Noah: well I never said that, yet you're kinda right, but I still I want to know about you and that includes your stupid "crushs"

Noah turned his eyes to me for a second but soon looked to the sky again 

Cody:  I honestly don't know if that was sweet of you or just rude and mean, but thanks I guess

I looked at Noah and I saw a shadow of a smile forming on his face 

Noah: well your welcome lover boy but you still didn't answer or are you dodging my question ?

Cody: I'm not dodging you question! Just so you know me and Gwen are  just friends now, I don't have feelings for her anymore, in fact I haven't felt anything for her in a long time.

Noah:  huh good for you then,got someone new?

Cody: you see..there is a person but I'm really not sure yet 

Noah: if that's the case I hope you figure out your feelings soon

Cody: thanks, but what about you? Do you like someone? Cause you're always the one asking and making fun of me while I never really heard you talking about liking someone 

Noah: I don't think I have to expose myself to people about who I like but since it's you,well yeah I do like someone 


Noah: yeah calm down Cody, it's not that big of deal

Cody: sorry hehe I'm just surprised that you like someone, that does't happen often

Noah: well actually is the opposite, you're the idiot that's always liking someone different

Cody: hey! I'm not a idiot

Noah: yeah believe in whatever helps you sleep at night 

Cody: you're no fun !

Noah: yeah your right but who cares 

he laid his head on my shoulder getting me by surprise,but I didn't mind at all 

Noah: because even if I'm no fun you're still my friend and to be honest that is what matters to me

Cody: aww Noah that's so sweet,specially coming from you,and yeah your stuck with me forever

Noah let out a low laugh(that I only head because he had his head on my shoulder)and closed his eyes

Noah: thanks again for inviting me Cody if it wasn't for you I would probably have to deal with my family for my hole vacation

Cody: you make it sound as if your family is the worst 

Noah: well it depends, they are the actual worse when you're just want to relax since they are noisy as fuck

I let out a small laugh,starting to stroke Noah's hair

Cody: but they are really sweet as well

Noah: yes they are, but for example at this moment I'm just relaxing here in the silence only with our voices, if I was at home it would be the noise of the tv, computers, my brothers messing around, my mother yelling at my brothers and it just get worse and worse

Cody: you have a point, just staying here while talking like this really is relaxing 

I opened a smile and rested my head on his 

we stayed there just felling the wind and chatting when I felt a rain drop on my face

Cody: it's starting to rain

Noah: yeah we should head inside

I nodded my head and got up with Noah but soon got scared by a thunder and started to shake,it can look stupid, I know, but I'm terrified of thunders 

Noah's pov 

we got up to go back inside but Cody got scared by a thunder and almost fell down,I went to help him and noticed he was shaking

Noah: Cody? your shaking, what happened?!

I was worried,but Cody looked terrified and I saw a small tear form in his eyes,I hugged him tight stroking his hair to try to calm him down

Noah: calm down,I'm here with you and won't let nothing bad happen with you I promise 

Cody slowly nodded his head and hugged me back,I noticed his legs were shaking like crazy and his breathing was heavy, for sure he wouldn't be able to walk like that and we couldn't stay there in the rain since it could be dangerous, so I picked him up and carried him all the way inside, good thing he is light as a pillow, like seriously  that's coming from me a gym hater.

Once we got in the room I sat down on my bed still holding Cody tight,I kissed his forehead and slowly rubbed his back while whispering for him to breath with me while counting slowly

He had his arms wrapped around my neck and his face hid

Cody: thanks Noah..

His voice was weak but he at least wasn't shaking anymore

Noah:  just relax

I kept slowly rubbing his back with one hand and stoking his hair with the other

Cody closed his eyes and soon fell asleep so I carried him to his bed and laid him down covering him with some blankets,I was tired too so I went to bed as well 

~for those who did not understand Cody had a ptsd attack triggered but the thunders.

~stay safe and enjoy

~redoing this shit for the third time, if it's still not good then I don't know what to do ☠️

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