dumbass-part 2

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Cody's pov 

When we got to the kitchen, Noah told me to sit down for a bit while he grabbed some cold sandwiches from the fridge, which I think he made himself, and some orange juice while I watched.

Noah: here now you eat !

Cody: ok ok,umm and thanks by the way 

Noah: no need to thank me just eat and that's enough 

I nodded my head while taking a bite of the sandwich

Cody: this is really good,amazing cooking skills!

Noah: Cody that's just a sandwich 

he let out a small laugh as if I was stupid, well maybe I was a little

Cody: A delicious sandwich!

Noah rolled his eyes and sat beside me on the table

(time skip) 

Noah: ok now that you finished eating what about we watch a movie?

Cody: I like that idea,what about Rapunzel?

Noah: seriously Cody? Rapunzel? You know I'm not a Disney fan

Cody: yep we are watching Rapunzel! And I don't care if you're not a Disney fan 'cause I am 

Noah rolled his eyes but didn't really try to fight against watching Rapunzel, deep down I know he wants to watch it too

(time skip) 

Noah and I were at the living room and we had just finished watching our movie but I noticed Noah was a little too silent even for him

Cody: noah are you ok ? you seem a little bit off

Noah looked at me and honestly that look was all I needed to know that nothing was ok

Noah: Cody..

Cody: yes?

My voice almost vanished, my heart was a little too fast, you know, Noah can really scare me sometimes, especially when he looks like a father trying to have an emotional conversation, confrontation scares me

Noah: um..well I want to know why don't you trust me anymore?

Noah had a distant expression, while I looked at him confused and shocked

Cody: What?! why do you think I don't trust you anymore?!

Noah: well before you used to tell me everything but this last days you seem so distant..? and closed up, I don't know, it's like your trying to avoid me 

I looked at him speechless while he looked at me with a serious but sad face 

Cody: I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to make you fell like that

Noah: what do you mean? I don't get it, talk to me Cody! tell me what's going on so I can help you

I could see in Noah's face he was holding back tears, I felt like somebody had punched me

Cody: I guess you deserve to know the truth..

Noah was silent and had all his attention on me 

Cody: I like you Noah! but I don't want to lose you because of this stupid feelings 

Noah looked at me shocked but then he opened a huge smile and started laughing 

I was confused but then Noah hugged me tight

Noah: you are so fucking stupid! I like you too idiot!

I froze, I would never think Noah would like me 

He let go from the hug and held my cheeks 

Noah: actually I don't like you, I fucking love you more than anything in this crappy world

I smiled at him and he pulled me to a kiss

Cody: I never thought I would hear you say such chessy shit

I started laughing while I saw Noah playfully roll his eyes 

Noah: blame it on yourself

I smiled at him and hugged him 

Cody: I don't care whose fault it is if I'm with you 

Noah: see you're the chessy one 

Cody: shut up 

both of us started laughing and still hugging each other we just enjoyed the moment 

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