I care about you

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Cody's pov 

I woke up on my bed and my head hurt a lot,I was confused but then I remembered what happened last night,I couldn't believe I let Noah see me like that, I felt pathetic 

I sat on the bed looking down with hands on my head 

Noah: are you better now?

I got scared and almost fell of the bed,Noah was sitting on his bed reading his book so quietly that I didn't even notice he was awake 

Noah: wow sorry if I scared you 

Cody: no problem,but yeah I'm better...

Noah closed his book and got up,I looked confused at him while he came in my direction and sat on my bed besides me,he placed his hand on my forehead and then on my neck

Noah: it looks like you didn't get a fever from the rain,that's good

he came closer to me on the bed and he wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder pulling my head close ,making me rest my head on his shoulder

Noah: look I know it's probably a sensitive topic to you but I saw how you were yesterday and I know that was an episode of your ptsd..so if you want to talk I'm here but of course if you fell uncomfortable we can just skip the topic

Noah: I just really care about you Cody and yeah..I don't really know what to say..

I felt tears running down my cheeks and I hugged him,and he hugged me back 

Cody: thank you for helping me yesterday I own you 

Cody:  and well you see, always that thunders I remember when I was younger..

Noah: I can't erase the past but I can make a present and future where you're not alone anymore cause I'm here now and will be here to help you when you need

I smiled and hugged Noah even tighter,resting my head on his chest while he stroked my hair slowly,calming me down

Noah: what about we eat something ?

Cody: good idea I'm pretty hungry 

I let go of the hug and got up from the bed

Cody: follow me 

I smiled at Noah,who nodded his head and followed me

we went to the kitchen and I got some bread to prepare a toast while Noah was making some scrambled eggs

~scrambled eggs are 10/10 

Noah: Cody, where are your parents ?

Cody: working probably, that is why they told me to call someone, so I wouldn't be alone since they are always busy 

Noah: at least we can spend some time together 

Cody: yep you're right

(time skip)

we finished our breakfast and went outside for a walk

Cody: the day is beautiful today!

Noah: yes it is, you know I really liked this place it's so calming and peaceful..

Cody: yeah my favorite part are the flowers that fall from the trees making it look like if the grass is colorful it's kinda funny

Noah bent down and grabbed one of the flower

Noah: they really are pretty

Noah came closer and at first I was confused but then he held my face by my cheeks with one hand and placed the flower he was holding with his other hand on my hair

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