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There were 3 kids in the playground that day two blonde haired twins and a small engineer

3 different minds

3 different quirks

3 different careers

But only one goal

To make it to the top

"Hey ten what are you looking at?"

Katsuki Bakugou a hot headed blonde that knew exactly what he wanted

"that girl over there, she looks lonely and she keeps fidgeting with something, I don't know what it is"

Tanuki Bakugou a lovable, kind soul who would brighten anyone's day just with a smile.

Ah yes and the girl in question

Sanu Nanako a creative mind and quick witted child who would kill to get to know the blonde twins so, she did what she loved to do as an excuse to talk to them she built, she created and she designed a gadget, Nanako's contraptions were always things she made herself with tools and materials, nothing more but creativity, usually the materials came from her parents garage or shop but Sanu worked with what she had, left room for imagination.

The contraption she made for the twins was something that she knew she just had to make for them. Every Wednesday the Bakugous and some of their friends would play tag but what was only recognised by the small chestnut haired girl was that the twins would team up and try to communicate with each other(that wasn't working out so great) this lead to Sanus contraption.

Two small golden walkie talkies.

Once they were finished down to the last screw, the girl gathered up all of her courage bit by bit and strided over to the twins while they were strategizing for their weekly game of tag.

"what do you want?" the boy spat out making Sanu want to shrivel up into a ball and be sucked in by the universe.

"don't be so mean kit-kat she probably just wants to say hi," the engineers eyes fell upon the most beautiful girl she has ever seen "sorry about him." She greeted her with a smile model worthy with an aura that welcomed her to the point she thought she was levitating.

"Hi! I made these for you and your brother." she placed the golden blocks into the hands of the models hands, trying to utter out the words on why what and how.

" You two always try to communicate with each other on Wednesdays game of tag but you can't properly so I made you these walkie talkies, all you have to do is press the button on the side and then talk into them they're small to fit in pockets and the volume is adjustable so no one will know."

Sanu took in a deep breath relieved that she actually talked to the pretty girl, she was always confident and was never shy when meeting new people but something about tanuki made her stomach turn she didn't know why so she made it her mission to find out.

"WOW! These are so cool don't you think kit-kat?" the blonde haired wonder had gleams in her eyes and a smile plastered on her face.

"Stop calling me that Ten!!" they boy took a closer look at the mechanism with his infamous pout "you made these?"

"mh hm"

" I guess we could use them. "

"Thanks- er" the girl just realised she hadn't known anything about the cute brunette not even her name.

"sanu, Sanu Nanako"

That afternoon the twins had beat the top time of winning tag and had also won a friend for life.

word count:593

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