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Chapter 1
Hero schools

"Ten you're slowing down"

Ten years later the same 3 children are training for UA with the same goal, to make it to the top, usually Tanuki and Katsuki would be sparring and Sanu would be correcting their forms with things she learnt from her mother however there was always the occasion that the brunette would jump in and spar with one of the two which neither could ever pin her down.

Over the years the 3 became good friends and inseparable ones at that

"kat you're too tensed up drop your shoulders."

Sanu was the only person who gave good advice to the twins, others would stare and whisper lovely nothings into their ears but Sanu Nanako knew what she was doing and wasn't afraid to correct them.


she clicked the golden stopwatch and slipped it into her pocket letting the chain dangle from its place and flipped through her small notebook that she held, jotting things down and quick sketches appeared on the page

"if i didn't know any better i'd say you guys are slacking off" She threw towels at the two blondes to dry themselves off.

 "you wanna come over here and find out?" The young girl walked through the two doors to the building slowly walking to the kitchen. Sanus parents worked together, Her mother was an amazing hero and her father was an engineer so their house was bigger then most.

"I'm sure you would love that kit-kat but I'm exhausted." She faced the palm of her hand to her head, pretending to faint.

"you did nothing all day nu i don't think you're that tired," Tanuki couldn't help but laugh at the little play that was unfolding in front of her. "Good acting skills though."

the 3 foot steps echoed throughout the house accompanied by their laughs and challenges made by katsuki.

The Nanakos were hard workers however their jobs kept them travelling around Asia, Europe, America and parts of Africa so they weren't around very much, Sanu was usually left in this big house with the only company of the housekeeper shes known since she was 7. Sometimes the big house was a nice getaway at the end of the day but the problem was it was never a home, sure it was a house with normal house things but it was lacking something, 

love, warmth, the family Sanu so desperately wanted together. 

When the twins occasionally came over to her house or when tanuki would stay the night were the days she loved the house most. she dreamed of owning a small house in the middle of nowhere filled with books and plants and the warmth of a family. 

But for now she would settle for the big house filled with the love of her friends, it did have some pros like the little library at the top of the house, the training grounds, the beautiful conservatory but most of all her dads garage that was filled with tools at materials and blueprints galore which she was free to use when ever she wanted. She spent most of her time in those 4 rooms, the ones that sparked happiness most, something that she put before most things, making sure she was happy. Call it however you see but the young girl valued her happiness and didn't let herself just 'settle' for being ok, while some might think its selfish, Sanu lived by it and loved herself more because of it . Of course she did have lots of things she cared about but just a very select few would circle her head various times a day:

1: 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪𝙨

2 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙨

3 joy 

Anything that was after that she gave less attention to so she could save space in her mind for important things like new creations and how to 'borrow' marked blueprints from her dads garage, ones that she would put notes on.


Hours later Katsuki left but didn't take Tanuki with him, this wasn't something foreign with the 3. Tanuki and Sanu were always having sleepovers and were just always around each other. They preferred it that way, with Katsuki or not. The two girls indulged in their company whether they would talk for hours or if they were in perfect silence, being around each other was more than enough. Even if none of the 2 could keep their mouths shut long enough for the latter. 

"I think I wanna dye my hair" Tanuki did not expect this from Sanu of all people, usually it was her who did out going things. it took her 4 months to convince her to just pierce her ears.

"REALLY? What colour?"

"I think a royal blue, in highlights." Tanuki gasped as if all the air in her lungs had vanished.

"wait! Mom has blue hair dye somewhere in her bathroom we need to go get it!"

"right now?"

"YES!" Before letting Sanu get another word in Tanuki hurried to their bikes tied up in the garage gently brushing against the sleek motorbike, putting a small frown on Sanus face before racing towards the angel in front of her, who was much further ahead then she was.


Here they were, in Mitsukis bathroom covered in blue and warmth from each other's sweet words and laughter, talking about anything their minds could grasp, singing every song they heard and smiling until their jaws hurt. It was comfortable. The two girls found it refreshing to have fun and not held captive by what could happen, just living now. For days now they have been on edge and tensed because of their upcoming test for new schools, they weren't worried about getting in, no they were worried about what would happen in the following events. Tanuki was longing for UA like her brother, a prestigious hero school however Sanu was longing a bit further- 2441 miles further.

She thought the best thing for the blonde was to go to UA because of how achieving and highly developed it was- for hero's ,for engineers? Not so much, their support course students who have graduated in the past do well but could be so much more, she didn't want to limit herself because of her love for the blondes, even though it was so tempting she lost trails of thought over it more times than she care to admit. So she registered for a support course in Vietnam, anh hung moi - it meant new hero in Vietnamese which she picked up when she was little, having family that lived in the city.

'We'll see each other when we have time off and we wont forget to keep in touch ' is what she would tell that little voice in her head that would spew out words of disgrace telling her, making sure she knew Tanuki wouldn't even remember her after a week.

"ugh it looks perfect. " Tanuki confirmed, making her love the woman underneath her even more so.

"Holy shit how did you do that?" She was astonished.

"hair dye" the blonde grinned holding up the box with blue covered hands, taking light punches from the orange eyed girl.

With every soft word that the twin would say, the voice got quieter and gave her peace for moments of time.

word count: 1230

HELLO EVERYONE a much longer chapter than the prologue and the 1st! please stick around i will try to update as frequently as possible.

love you all

                                              ~B R I A R 🤍

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