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Chapter 3
little brother

Tanuki woke up without that extra weight on her bed. she was upset but she knew it would happen. Sanu hadn't told her directly but she left the letter and the plane ticket close enough for Tanuki to see, Sanu was moving to Vietnam for a much better support course than the ones in japan she knew because of the earfull Sanu gave her about how some of her most successful relatives lived in Vietnam. She knew that Sanu couldn't look her in the eye properly because of it and she was a bit annoyed that her best friend didn't tell her sooner but she had to force herself to understand why.

She knew that it was better for the chestnut haired girl ... right? If Sanu was going that far away she would have a good reason for it, especially since she was leaving what tanuki considered to be her moral compass, her best friend, the only person who loved her more that her parents if not more so. But if she was that important why didn't she tell her?

No matter how much she wanted to Tanuki promised herself she wouldn't pry no matter how much it hurt to sit there laughing at jokes and dying each others hair even though they were both thinking the same thing but couldn't verbalise it, she would just enjoy the time they had together and hope Sanu would tell her herself.


"Sanu! How are you?" a middle aged, orange haired woman opened the door. Sanu was slightly taken aback to see the woman

"Auntie Myri! when did you get back?"

"just yesterday for a work trip." Myri Nanako was a teacher in Rome specifically a engineering teacher but why would she be in Japan?

"Y'know Sanu you were never good at hiding what your thinking, might as well tell me now before I find out myself. " Myri snapped her out of her thoughts

"I'm just confused are you still teaching? Why in Japan? How long until your off aga-"

"Sanu! Calm down, one question at a time." Myri Nanako always had this fun aura around her when she would giggle a little while saying her words it could bring an unerasable smile to your face, almost put you to sleep.

"I'm here for an undetermined time, Yes it's a teaching job and they reached out to me, gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. " It was an explanation just not as detailed as Sanu hoped.

"they? Auntie who's they?" Sanu almost jumped with anticipation

"Surprisingly, UA!" She froze and almost tripped at what she heard. This wasn't what Sanu expected. See Sanu wanted to go to UA up until a year ago when she started looking at engineering schools, hero schools with support courses and even pre-quirk era schools in Europe that were still popular, since her auntie was a teacher she seeked to her for help and that's what she got. After asking about the school she was yearning for, hoping for dreaming for she was shot down. Sanu was walking into that question blind-sighted and when she saw something she didn't want to, it was too late, she couldn't unsee it she couldn't just erase it so she opened her eyes and stopped looking with her eyes sealed shut.

But now she was teaching there? why? it didn't make any sense, Sanu wasn't aware she said that out loud.

"Because they sent out letters to 5 other very successful engineers about a month ago to help teach the new generation, it seemed they started caring for their support  devices so I entertained the idea. I took a look at their updated resources and after we all tinkered with some of our rooms, we all decided and I think they're really starting to up their game this year"

"what kind of updated dev-"

"NU!" Sanu was almost tackled to the ground by her precious little brother

"Well hello little man!" And here enters Kaido Nanako the pride and joy of the Nanako family the youngest, the bravest and the victorious. Kaido was 7 years old and already had wild ambitions that succeeded the expectations of a Nanako child. However he lived with his grandmother since he couldn't live with Sanu yet but he didn't mind, she would come over, they would talk, play, write and sometimes Sanu would make a super cool gadget for him, that he would be pryed off of.

"How is Mr hero feeling this morning? I thought we could go to the park. "He replied with a toothy smile and a nod, quickly rushing to his room, followed by his sister.

He pushed past the door and sat on the pillow next to his dresser.

"Let's have a look" Sanu dug into the colourful draws and took out some pieces placing them on her brothers lap. She walked to the kitchen to pack a picnic and held conversation with her aunt, well it was more just Myri talking non stop and Sanu just listening but she didn't mind.

"Nu! I- I'm read- ow" kaido ran out of the room with his top backwards, his shorts undone, a panting mess and tripping on his way out. And he look damn cute doing it.

The older sibling reached for her brother, smiling at the toothy grin he gave and fixing his clothes.

as soon as he was dressed he raced for his shoes and mid-tying his shoes he shot up and ran to his room

"did you give him coffee or something?" Sanus' head was turning from left to right every second, trying to keep sight of Kaido

"Ever since I got here he cant stop talking about you and jumping around, couldn't keep the little monster still for more than a minute"

"IM READY!" the rather loud interruption pulled Sanu back and took in what kaido was doing

"what's in the bag little man?" but before she could get an answer he was opening the door.

"kai! your shoes!"


when the two sibling got to the park Kaido took off, dropped everything and ran west, it made Sanu chuckle. Not more than 3 minutes later the little boy came back with a leaf and a vine which made the girl even more confused. Once again Kaido took off but this time with the bag that he grabbed before leaving and once again returned 3 minutes later but this time holding a.... gift? something was there and wrapped in a large leaf and a vine tied in a bow

"what's this? you made me something Mr hero? " the little boy nodded so hard Sanu could've sworn his neck cracked.

"ok! ok! can I open it?" the question made kaido stop with a sad sort of smile, looking down at the gift then back up at his sister. he closed his eyes and put his arms out giving the gift to Sanu. She untied the vine, peeled away the leaf and was left with a small, grey screwdriver. Sanu recognised the type of metal- it was a piece of chromium that she gifted to him when she first started making things alas when she first gave in to him it was just a block of metal, now it has purpose. Sanu connected the dots and realised he probably used his quirk to make the small screwdriver.

"i know your going to a big fancy school for engineers so i want to make sure you remember me." those words made her melt, bringing Kaido up to her chest squeezing the soul out of his body.

"i would never forget you."

word count: 1252

Yh maybe I haven't updated since June but if you follow me you can see I have published some other books and I am trying to keep writing, it was a rough couple of months but I'm back just in time for the Christmas spirit 💞💞💞💞
Love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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