Chapter 2: Not you again

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Charaters: Calina (Toy Chica)
Tristan (Toy Bonnie)
Macey (Mangle)
Finn (Toy Freddy)
Yupox (Original Foxy)
Calina P.O.V:
I was walking towards the doors of the school with my head down with my friends, until I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"HEY!" They yelled.
They then got up and scoffed.
..?: "You need to watch where you're going loser!" They spat

Tristan helped me up and held my hand. I started blushing.

Tristan: "Don't talk to her like that, Yupox!"

Yupox: "Oh, what if I want to? What are YOU possibly going to do about it."

Calina: "Im gonna BASH your face in until you can't BREATHE"

Yupox: "Hah! I'd like to see you try!"

*I tried to run towards him but Tristan held me back*

Tristan: "Hey- calm down it's okay. He's just trying to mess with you"

Calina: "Don't you EVER tell a girl to calm down..LET ME AT HIM!!..."

Tristan then grabbed my hands and pulled me behind him still holding my right hand hand.
He dragged me inside the school while Finn and Macey followed.
Tristan turned around and glared at me.
Tristan: "I told you to not interfere with him if he messes with you just walk away."
I looked at his emerald eyes as he gave me an death stare that told me not to do it again.
Calina: "I'm sorry..."
Tristan:" it's fine. Now we have to head off to class. I'll see you all during lunch okay?" He said and smiled
Macey, Calina, and Finn all nodded and headed their separate ways.

Finn's P.o.v:

I walked into the classroom and stopped after walking through the door.

Some other students were staring at me while others were minding their business.

I sat in the back of the classroom and decided to put my head down while I waited for class to start. But then I started thinking about how Tristan held Calina's hand earlier...I was lightly getting angry at it but I didn't know why...Could've it been jealousy? No. It couldn't have been. I don't like Tristan that way. Right?

Just then the teacher interrupted my thoughts.

Mr. Afton: "Hello class. Today we will have a new student."
Tristan walked in after the teacher said new student.

Finn's heart began to race.

Finn 💭: I don't like him like that, so why am I feeling like this?

Tristan: "Hey Finn looks like we're in the same class, how fun!"

Finn hid behind his book bag as he blushed
Finn: "Yeah-.. F-Fun"

Mr. Afton: "Tristan got one of his classes switched to this for privacy reasons but he'll be with us now. And since you already seem to know Finn you may go sit in the empty seat next to him."
Tristan walked over to the desk and sat in the chair
The class started soon after but.. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Finn 💭: Oh no no no! The feeling, it's coming back! It's him, he's doing this to me. It feels like my stomach could come out of my body in any second.
Tristan: "Finn! Im so glad we have a class together! I thought we never would."

Finn: "Heh- oh yea! I always wanted a class with you. "
Finn 💭:FINN why would you say that! He probably thinks you're being super gross.

Tristan: "So, did you hear that Calina is going to a party on Saturday and inviting us! So, obviously, I had to ask you to go"

Finn 💭: Ugh, Calina she makes me feel so angry whenever Tristan talks about her. Or whenever she's around us. Am I jealous of her? No of course not, she our best friend.

Finn: "Oh no, I haven't heard, but it sounds like fun! I'll see if im free that day and if Im not then I'll see you there!"

Tristan: "Awesome!"

Teacher: "Tristan and Finn, if you both are whispering so much it must be important, so tell the class."

Finn: "Oh uh- it wasn't that important, sorry."

Mr. Afton: "Okay, since you two have nothing to say let me continue."

I know it's bad okay- I'm not good at thissss
But I hope you enjoyed ;D

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