Chapter 3: A not so friendly party

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Characters in this story:
Toy Bonnie: Tristan
Toy Chica: Calina
Toy Freddy: Finn
Fun time Chica: Fay

It was finally Saturday and they were at the party that Calina invited them to.
They were hanging out next to awhile and talking.
Tristan: "Hey I'll be back guys I'll get us all some snacks."
Calina and Finn nodded as Tristan left the room.
Finn's P.O.V again- sorry-
Right after Tristan left, Calina walked in front of me and death stared me.
Calina: "I know you like him.."
Finn: "Wh- how did you even figure that out?"
Calina: "Oh don't think I do not see how you are around him."
Finn: "Okay.. Why is it your business?"
Calina: "It's MY business because you're getting in my way of MY future boyfriend"
Finn: "You can't just claim someone like that, it's not how it works y'know."
She grabbed me by my shirt and got closer.
Calina: "Well know that he will NEVER like someone like you"
Finn: "But you'd never know that, would you?"
Calina: "Stop being a smarta**. You know I'm right anyways just admit it."
Finn: "Hmm.. Nah rather not. It would be considered lying then,  and I'm not one to lie."
Calina: "Grr.. You little-"
She raised her hand to slap me but then Tristan walked in.
Luckly Tristan was looking down at his phone.
Calina also let go of me and smiled towards Tristan.
I crossed my arms and looked at Tristan.
Tristan's P.O.V:
I looked up and saw Calina and Finn looking at me.
Tristan: "Oh hey guys, did I miss something? I heard you two talking about me."
Calina: "We were talking about how you're such an amazing friend!"
Tristan: "Awh, thanks you two."
Calina ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I dropped the snacks on the floor.
I blushed and hugged her back.
Tristan: "Heh, what's this about?"
Calina: "Oh nothing~ just thought I'd hug you"
I looked over to finn and he looked absolutely pissed.
Tristan: "Do you want a hug too?"
Finn: "Yes..."
Finn walked over and hugged me from behind.
I tried moving to signal them that it was enough but they wouldn't let go-.
Tristan: "Guys.. Heh-"
From the other room we heard the music blasting through the speakers and one of Calina's friends rushing to the room we were in.  I believe her name was Fay or something.
Fay: "Calina! Our favorite song is on- woah who's this, your boyfriend?"
Calina: "Not yet~"
Tristan: "N-Not yet?"
Calina put her hand on my chest and said,
"Yeah that's what I said." :)
Finn stepped back.
Finn💭: Ugh.. - ew. Cheesy much.
Finn: 💭: I even saw Tristan's face getting more redder as Calina got closer. I got upset because I wish it were me but i just watched and stayed silent.
Tristan: "Well uhh.. C-Calina would you care for a dance..?"
Calina: "Oooh of course~!"
They walked out of the room holding hands and Finn was left with Fay.
Fay: "Hey, you good? You look really upset. What's with the long face?"
Finn: "I'm fine, don't worry about it You wouldn't understand.."
Fay: "Okay, we're going to turn that frown upside down. How about we go grab a drink and chat?"
Finn: "Okay sure."
Calina's P.O.V:
I saw Finn staring at me and Tristan as we were dancing but I smirked and kept dancing. My plan is coming along perfectly..
Finn's P.O.V:
Fay came with drinks in both of her hands and sat in the barstool next to me. When she sat down she gave me one of the drinks.
Finn: "Thanks."
Fay: "Of course! Now, what's on your mind?"
Finn: "it's just... " I stopped to look at Calina and Tristan having a great time.
Fay looked at them too then back at me.
Fay: "It's Calina isn't it?"
Finn: "No- okay.. Yes."
Fay: "Is it about the boy she's dancing with?"
Finn: "How did.. -"
Fay: "You're staring at him and blushing."
Finn: "Wh- No I'm not!" My cheeks got hot.
Fay: "It's ok that you like him, she's just like that."
Finn: "I know.." I said then took a sip of my drink. I spat it out after.
Finn: "What's this??"
Fay: "It's supposed to be fruit punch, why?"
Finn: "Odd because it doesn't taste like fruit punch. It has a stronger taste than that."
Fay took a sip of her drink and it was the fruit punch. She gave Finn the wrong drink by accident.
Fay: "I'm sorry- I gave you my drink. And it has alcohol in it"
Finn: "It doesn't matter anymore anyways, at least this should get them off my mind."
I proceeded to drink while Fay just looked at me.
Fay: "You shouldn't drink your problems away but okay whatever makes you feel better"
I soon started to get dizzy. But I kept drinking which caused me to black out.
I woke up to Tristan looking worried
Tristan: "FINN- YOU'RE AWAKE!! Goodness what happened to you!?"
Finn: "I don't know. Fay gave me a drink that had alcohol in it and next thing I know im here"
Tristan: "I found you on the ground on the floor. I got so worried!!"
Finn💭: Wow he actually cares, I thought he was to busy with.. her. Just thinking about her name makes me angry. It's all so confusing, we were friends in middle school, so why did it all change?
Tristan: "Uhh Finn, Finn, are you alright?"
Finn: "Oh right sorry I was thinking about what happened."
Tristan smiled at me and I smiled back.
Fay: "Alright I got the water" she said as she gave a cup of water to me.
Finn: "Oh, thank you."
Fay: "Mhhm!" She singed.
Tristan: "Oh also since you seem a little out of it, would you like to spend the night at my house?"
Finn: "Sure!"
Finn💭: Me and Tristan, at his house, just me and him, I can get used to that!
Tristan: "We could also invite Calina! She's great at making people feel better!"
Finn: "Oh, Calina, yea sure."
Finn💭: I KNEW IT!!! It was to good to be true! Why does he always have to invite HER. Wait- I have an idea!
Finn: "Hey Fay! Would you like to come over as well?"
Fay: "Oh sure! Thanks for inviting me!"
Finn💭: Perfect! Calina will surely spend more time with Fay and I can have Tristan all to myself!
Tristan: "Well we should probably get going, I'll help you walk Finn if you need it!"
Finn: "Thank you! But, I don't think i can move much."
Tristan: "That's fine, I'll carry you to the car"
He picked me up bridal style and my face filled with blush.
Finn: "O-Oh, thank you Tris."
Tristan: "No problem bud."
He walked to the car with Fay and Calina following. He carefully put me in the car and Fay got in the backseat with me as Tristan sat in the driver's seat and Calina sat in the passenger seat.
Calina kept flirting with Tristan as he was driving. It was really stupid, I cant believe she's trying to take him away.
Calina: "Tristy~ have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?"
Tristan: "No but thank you, Calina"
Calina continued most of the way there and I just sat there with my arms crossed not saying a word even though Tristan was asking me was I okay to make sure I wasnt going to faint again.

We finally got to his house. He helped me out the car, along with Fay. I hinted subtly that I didn't want Calina to help me.
We got into his house, definitely not the first time i've been in there, but it still amazes me how big his house is, and how clean it is.
Calina: "I have an idea of what we could do!"
Tristan: "Oh yes ideas! I love ideas! Lay it on us Calina!!"
Calina: "So one of us acts like someone in this room and everyone else has to guess, and the first person to guess it right gets to go next! How does that sound?!"
Fay: "That sounds like fun!"
Tristan: "Sure that sounds like it would be very funny! So who's gonna go first?"
Fay: "You should go first Calina! Since you came up with the idea!"
Calina: "Alrighty"
Calina walked around like a fashion model holding a imagery purse of some type.
Tristan: "Oh that's easy! That's Fay!"
Calina: "Correct!"
Fay: "Alright Tristan, your turn!"
Tristan: "I know I know im going woman!!"
Finn 💭: I hope he acts me out, and I hope he actually does something nice..
Tristan then starts to smile and walk around to everyone but gives a dirty look to Calina and hugs me.
I blushed alot. I didnt know what to do, when he put his hands around me I just froze..

It felt like he was hugging me a lot long than the others, does he feel same? What if he's just being nice? What if im overreacting? Im probably overreacting. Im definitely overreac-
Fay: "Awww you do like him!!"
Tristan: "FAY, QUIET!!"
Fat: "Ooooopppsss, did I say that a little to loouuddd"
Finn 💭:HE DOES LIKE ME!!! YES YES YESSS!!! IN YOUR FACE CALINA!!!! Wait.. What if she's just messing with him? Gah- it's always to go to be true.
Finn: "Wait- do you actually like me Tristan?"
Tristan stared at me for a second then I suddenly saw his face turn slightly redder as he got nervous.
Tristan: "W-Well uhh..."
We were sitting in front of each other and gazing in one another's eyes.
Tristan: "I.."
I glanced at his lips then back at his eyes quickly.
Finn: "This is.. akward, hm?"
Tristan: "Yeah.."
Tristan slowly leaned in and I did too..
And our lips slowly touched.
I could hear Fay fangirling while I knew Calina was probably upset but I didnt care.. I finally got to kiss him!
We separated after a few seconds and blushed.
Tristan licked his lips.
Tristan: "Mmm, cherry chapstick?"
Finn: "Oh- yeah."
Tristan: "I love cherries." He said while smiling.
I smiled with him.
Calina: "What the hell Tristan..! I thought you loved ME.. "
Tristan: "Well I-"
Calina: "FORGET IT!" She yelled. She got up afterwards and ran to the bathroom shutting and locking the door behind her.
It was silent after that.. Fay got up and went to the bathroom door and started asking Calina if she was okay.
Finn 💭: Wow- that kiss- was- AMAZING!!! IT JUST FELT LIKE FIREWORKS JUST WENT OFF!! Calina ran in the restroom, BUT OH WELL. I GOT TO FINALLY KISS HIM!!!! For so reason though I feel bad, why do I feel like this? I thought I was jealous of her? So why do I feel like this?
Tristan: "Calina probably hates me now, I'm sorry Finn, I don't know what came over me. You probably hate me too. It's ok if you do, I understand..."
Finn: "No no! I don't hate you! It's actually fine! I enjoyed it alot! Thank you for that!"

Calina finally came out the restroom, her face eyes were really red. She must've had a headache because she took some Tylenol.

Calina: "C'mon Fay, im leaving, and im taking you with me."
Tristan : "CALINA YOU CAN'T GO!! I'M SORRY!! I-"
Calina: "Save it Tristan.. You like him, you be with him... It's fine I understand."
Tristan: "But- Calina- I like you too-"
Yayyy another chapter done! Thanks for reading 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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