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And as we walked back he intertwined his arm with mine, I looked at him. He looked at me, we smiled. And we made it to my house. "Camilo you better pray I don't die" I laughed. "Haha sorry I kept you out so long" He looked away. "Oh no it's okay, I really had fun today. Thank you." I embraced him in a hug. He was warm, it was a nice feeling. Then i felt his arms hug me back.

The time was ticking, and I had to go. We pulled away, "I'll see you tomorrow?" he smiled. "Maybe" I giggled. "Okay bye charming" I said as I headed for my front door looking back to see him blush red and smile. "Bye Y/N" he responded as he left for his house.

I stopped at my front door for a moment, taking in a deep breath. Placed my hand on the door knob praying my family will go easy on me. Slowly turning the knob as the door squeaked, making my way in. It was around 10 pm. I snuck my way in closing the door behind me quietly and took off my shoes.

"Y/N!" my father yelled coming out of the kitchen. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? ITS ALREADY DARK OUT!" I was startled from the sudden yelling "P-Papa.. I'm sorry I can explain. I was just doing my deliveries and-" "NO EXPLAINING NO BUTS GO TO YOUR ROOM AND LIGHTS OUT. We will discuss this in the morning with your mother." I did as he said and made my way to my room.

I don't care what they say, I don't care if they're mad. I had a good day today and I'm not gonna feel bad about it, once they hear my side of the story tomorrow I'm sure they'll understand. I closed my bedroom door and started to get dressed in my sleep clothes. Then turning my lamp on and getting into bed, but one thing I always do before bed is write on my journal.

Today I met a boy named Camilo, he was stealing my deliveries but then he apologized. We became friends and he showed me around town. He brought me to his favourite spot where you can watch the beach and ocean from afar as the sun sets. He sat there and watched the stars, it was the most fun I had had in awhile. This boy was annoying at first, but I like it. It's a good kind of annoying. The kind of annoying that makes you feel better because they just won't give up, y'know? Anyway, after dark he walked me home. Papa yelled at me for coming home late today though, I think I'm grounded. But we're gonna have a talk with mama in the morning. I hope I get to see Camilo tomorrow.

I shut the journal and looked at the time, 11:34 pm?! I was writing for that long? It felt like 5 minutes! I placed my journal on my side table and shut off my light. I closed my eyes ready to sleep. A sudden knock on my window woke me up. "AH!" I shot up out of bed covering my own mouth as fast as possible realizing the others were sleeping.

I got out of bed and crept towards my window moving the curtains to the side. "Camilo!??" I whispered loudly as I opened the window. It was raining outside. He came inside, his clothes dripping on my floor and shut the window after. Shaking himself so some water had came off. "Heyyy mariposa" he smiled at me as he fixed his hair.

"MARIPOSA?? Is that my new nickname now!?" my cheeks turned pink. I was confused on why he was here but also flattered at the nickname. "Okay okay never mind about that why are you here??" I asked as we both sat on my bed. "My family doesn't know I'm out right now buuut I was bored and decided to come see you" he smirked. "At this time?!! It's so late and I'm tired! You should be asleep too!!" I nudged him.

"Oh pfff you're not my mom Y/N it's not even that late!" he laughed but I quickly put my hand to his mouth. "Shhh my family is sleeping, you need to be quiet" "Oh right sorry, I forgot not everyone stays up till 2 am" he whispered. "Okay but for real why are you here Camilo?" "I told you I just wanted to see you, I have nothing else to do anyway" he shrugged.

"Okay fine whatever" I rolled my eyes. "Y/N you wanna hangout tomorrow?" "uhhh we'll see about that. I'm kinda in trouble for coming home late" I flopped on my bed with a groaning noise "they wouldn't even let me explain!" He pat me on the head. "You know what? I can come to your house tomorrow and explain that you were late because I was showing you around town! They'll understand, cause I'm a Madrigal, haha" he also flopped onto my bed.

"You know what Camilo? That might just work!" I smiled and turned to face him. "You seem to be quite a people pleaser too haha" We laughed. "You should get going though, it's super late and I think It's gonna storm soon" I glanced out the window. "Oh yeah about that, did I tell you my mama controls the weather?" my eyes widened "Oh that's super cool!" "Yeahh but they're controlled by her emotions, cool but not so cool" I looked him in the eye. "ohh"

"So um... What's up with your mom?? It's all stormy!" "That's kinda why I don't wanna go home haha, she's all upset because my little brothers gift ceremony is coming up and she's just been stressing all over it" he sighed. "Ah I see, gift ceremony? I curiously tilted my head.

"Yeah, when you turn a certain age you get a gift, y'know how I'm a shapeshifter. You get some sort of power" "ohhh I see, that's interesting" I smiled. "Yeah, I should get going though. It's getting late" he stood up from my bed but turned to me "Hey but, do you wanna come to my brothers gift ceremony? It's not till a few more days but y'know I just thought I'd ask you in advance." "Of course, I'd be happy to!" I smiled.

"Well I'll be on my way now" he said as he started making his way out the window. "I'll see you tomorrow mariposa" he smiled and left.

"Bye Camilo."

Playing Hard to Get? Camilo Madrigal x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now