In The Hands Of A Madrigal

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I woke up earlier than usual, much earlier. When I say much earlier I mean much earlier, it's 7 am. You're thinking "7?!? that's not even that early!" wellll it's early for me considering yesterday. Yesterday being time being late for work.

I looked outside, the sun was shining. "Camilos moms in a good mood today haha" I smiled as I got dressed for the day and headed downstairs for breakfast. I guess my good mood today distracted me from remembering the 'big talk' I'm suppose to be having with my parents. I sit at the table gathering my plate, and utensils ready to eat. I lift my fork and head for an egg but I am immediately stopped. "Ahem" I hear my dad cough while glaring at me, "umm.. yes papa?" I look at him in a confused way. "Did you forget about our talk?" my eyes immediately widened "NO- I mean no of course not haha.." I look away as my mother frowns at me.

"Mija your father told me everything yesterday, late for work? Late to come home? What's going on with you hm!?" she crossed her arms with a stern look on her face. "mama.. I can explain. I just-.." before I could finish my sentence there was a knock at the door, my father stood up from the table to open it still glaring at me. He opened it and I looked to the doorway, unsurprisingly there he was. Camilo leaning against the door frame coming to pick me up, I was thankful. He just saved me from a whole lecture and explanation.

He winked at me while walking into the house. "Ah hello you must be Y/N's parents, yes?" not even giving them a chance to answer he continued. "Well I'm Camilo, Camilo Madrigal" he shape-shifted into your father, then mother, and then back to himself quietly chuckling glancing back at you. "Anyways enough of me, I'm here to pickup your daughter. My family would love to meet her and I'm going to show her around a bit more. All good?" he walked directly beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. He was this bold in front of my parents?? I'll never understand how he gets his confidence, I smiled at him.

My parents faces were wide and open confused on what just happened but they just let it be. "Umm, have fun you two!" my father said as my mother waved goodbye to us as we left. "CAMILO!" I turned to him, "What!" "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS" I blushed. "Do what??" he looked confused, "UM THE WHOLE CONFIDENT SMALL TALK LEAVE ??" "Ohh that, yeah I just wanted to get out of there faster so the sooner we could hangout hehe" he smirked at me. "You didn't even let me eat breakfast and explain to my parents- YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA EXPLAIN" I stared at him with furrowed brows. "Ohhhh yeah.. I forgot about that, it's okay I can tell them when I drop you off. Also you can have breakfast at my house" he shrugged.

"Fine" I crossed my arms and we made our way through town towards his home, I've never actually been in the Madrigals home before. It was big, and colourful. "You have a really nice house Camilo" I said as we walked through the door. "Hey just wait till you get inside" he looked at me with a sinister grin. "OH MY GOD-" the tiles suddenly moved me more into the house like a wave, "the house is ALIVE?" I yell at Camilo in shock. "Yup" he laughs at me struggling while he pours himself a cup of orange juice.

"Casita stop" Camilo commanded and the tiles stopped moving me around. "Thanks Camilo" I pant, "haha you're welcome" he chuckled as he gulped down the glass of orange juice. "You hungry?" he turned to me, "yes, very." "TÍA JULIETA COULD YOU MAKE Y/N SOME BREAKFAST POR FAVOR?!" he screamed across the room. Embarrassed I turned pink and turned to him "CAMILO, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" "You said you were hungry??" he looked at me dumbfounded.

"WELL YES- but you're just gonna yell at your tía like that?? She hasn't even met me!" "Don't worry mariposa that's just how things work around here, she doesn't mind and I'm sure she'll be glad to meet you." He smiled at me as his tía walked into the kitchen "hello there mija now what's your name? Are you hungry?" she kindly asked as she started to get ingredients out of the fridge and cabinets. "hi my name is Y/N, nice to meet you also yes I am very hungry" "Have a seat mija I'll make you something to eat, are you hungry too Camilo?" he turned to her "Yes please" he sat down beside me.

Camilos tía placed two plated in front of us, they consisted of arepas, salad and rice and beans. "Wow this looks really good, thank you" I smiled at her. "No problema mija" she smiled at the both of us and left the kitchen leaving us to finish our meals. "So Camilo what we're we doing today?" I ask with my mouth stuffed. "I was actually thinking of you meeting my family today" he awkwardly smiled as my eyes widened "WHY??" "Why not?" He's right, why not? Oh because IM NERVOUS, what if they don't like me? "Okay" I gave in and we cleaned up and headed upstairs.

"So you already met my tía Julieta, how about you meet my cousin Mirabel?" "sure!" I happily responded as he lead me to her room. A green door with Mirabel written on it with marker, it was different from all the other door. He opened the door fast and hard slamming it against the wall "AH" she jumped from her bed. "MIRAA" he yelled "meet my friend Y/N he looked at you with a smile. "Wow Camilo has friends!?" she laughed and I started to laugh too. "Pff not funny" Camilo rolled his eyes as Mirabel stood up and shook my hand. "Hi there! My name is Mirabel haha although you probably know me as the ungifted child though, anyway nice to meet you Y/N" she smiled at me.

Ungifted? "Actually what do you mean by ungifted, I'm new here I didn't know that?" I sat down and her smile faded a little. "Oh pff its nothing really, you know I just never got a gift when I was suppose to haha" she moved a piece of her hair behind her ear, "Anyway enough about me tell me about you! You're really pretty" she smiled. "Thank you!! You're really pretty as well, and I really like the colour F/C and I have two siblings" her face chimed up "Hey I also have two siblings! Luisa and Isabela" her face looked annoyed when she said the name Isabela. "Hey I actually think I've seen Isabela in the town before, she has the flower powers right?" "YES, and oh my gosh she is SUCH a primadonna!" she rolled her eyes and we laughed.

Camilo pushed us away from each other "Alright enough girl talk let's get going Y/N" he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Wow someone's jealous" Mirabel laughed, "I-IM NOT JEALOUS" Camilo turned pink "We're just in a rush today Mira." "Ooh well can I come!?" she excitedly asked. We both looked Camilo in the eyes with puppy dog eyes, "pleeeeeeeaaaassseee" we both asked. He finally gave in."Fine."

Playing Hard to Get? Camilo Madrigal x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now