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"We have to get her out of the town," A supreme hugged and kissed his beloved newly born baby girl and wife goodbye. The couple cried and left each other unwillingly. The mother carried the baby girl and ran into the forest, attempting to escape from Casla. The Fiends were both chasing after the baby girl and the parents have no choice but to run away to ensure their child's safety.

After many nights of running, the mother finally reached a small town named Alas. She left with no choice but to leave her child with one of the households. She saw no way of running as the Fiend was getting nearer. She walked in the dark and found a small cottage at the far end of the town. She peeked through the window and found an lady in her sixties living by herself and she seems kind and nurturing. She then decided to leave her child there. She placed the baby gently at the door step along with a letter and necklace on the baby. She immediately knocked the door and hid away. Seeing her baby girl is in the safe hands and under good care, she fled to another town.

Unfortunately, the Fiend caught the mother and killed her. Till now, the baby girl had never been found.

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