Chapter 2

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Celeste POV

When I heard the stopping it the car, I gradually opened my eyes and was relieved to see the black car just a few inches in front of me. The driver managed to stop on time. The next moment I heard the opening of the car door followed by footsteps walking towards me.

"I am so sorry. Are you alright?" It was a clear and pleasant voice of a young man. I immediately looked up when i felt his touch on my back.

My heart skipped a beat when our eyes met each other. It was a guy around my age whom I have not seen before in my town. He has a stylish dark hair and he was dressed causally smart in a plain tee with a black jacket. He was too attractive to look at that I could feel my cheek burning with blush.

I could see his eyes staring on me in amazement and I also feel the current of his touch on my back.

"I am fine," I finally responded after a few seconds and quickly got back my bicycle from the ground to hide my embarrassment. I immediately pedal away from the charming man and did not look back. My heart was still pounding fast. It was my first experience such intense emotion.

When I reached school, I sat at my seat in the classroom recalling the morning incident. Who is the guy in the morning? I have not seen him in town before. Then, I overheard the girls' conversations in the class.

"I heard that there is a new guy coming to our school! Can't wait to see him!" The girl could not contain her excitement.

"Don't you think it's weird to transfer school at the mid of final year? We are going to graduate soon" One of the girls wondered.

"But I heard that he is hot" another girl commented.

The teacher entered the classroom and interrupted the girls conversation.

During lunch time, I walked back to my locker and was surprised to see a familiar figure at the locker area. It was the guy in the morning. The girls at the hallway were all looking at him and murmuring about him. It's no surprise that the girls were amazed by his handsome look too. His height is taller than most of the guys in school and he has a leaned built body. The guy was nice and he smiled at the girls before opening his locker to keep his things. I could hear some girls shrieking after having eye contact with the guy.

I fluttered when I see a print on the back of his left palm when he was closing his locker.

He is a Supreme.

He noticed me when he turned away from his locker and our eyes locked onto each other for the second time again. I immediately turned around to close my locker and walked away.

He is a Supreme and that could explain the good looks and all the charm he has, the great smile and a friendly person. I shook my head and stopped myself from thinking about that new guy in school. He is a Supreme. No Ordinary should have any romance thoughts on a Supreme. We know Supreme has the ability to find their soulmate who is usually a Supreme too.

I walked out to school's park and sat under a big tree, my favourite spot in school. I brought my own lunch to school and eat under the tree every day. It was a peaceful spot for me. Eating in the cafeteria is the last thing I would do in school. I have gotten enough starings during the first year in school.

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