Chapter 4

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Celeste POV

After school, I went to granny's flower store to help out. While arranging the flowers in the shop, I saw the Supreme couples and the new guy walking along the street doing some shopping. My eyes were glued to the new guy and my heart began to race as I was afraid he would catch me peeking at him again.

Just then, the bell that was hanged at the door rang as someone pushed the door and entered the store. The sound of bell interrupted and I placed my focus back to work. It was a blond man whom entered the shop and he doesn't look familiar. He did not seemed like he's here to buy any flowers. He walked around the shop plucking each flowers that he touched and threw them on the way.

"Hey! What do you want?" I got agitated and shouted to the blond guy and he just looked at me with a smirk.

"Well, I saw your beautiful face when I was walking down the street. I felt horny after seeing your face and I told myself that I have to come and see you," The blond guy looked at me from head to toe and I felt disgusted.

"Please leave the shop now!" I raised my voice with fear.

The blond man chuckled and started to walk towards me. I instantly moved backward as the man moved each step forward. Seeing me moving further away from him, he pulled out his right hand and grabbed my chin to stop me.

"You little bitch. Don't think you are pretty and you can be arrogant," the blond man cursed in a low voice.

"Keep your hands away from her," Suddenly the blond man's hand was pulled away from my chin by an unseen force.

I turned and was surprised to see the new Supreme in Granny's shop. His eyes were glaring at the blond man and I could see the man's hand was twisted backward and he whimpered loudly in pain.

"Jase, what's going on?" Riley and Ethan entered the shop right after.

"I found this man harassing the woman here" Jase explained.

Ethan took out his phone and contacted the police while Riley used his power to tie the man's hands with some twines found in the store.

"Are you alright?" The Supreme approached me and asked. His gentle voice made me flutter.

"I'm fine. Thank you" I managed to squeeze out the words from my mouth as I told myself to calm down.

"Strange, this is my third time seeing you today. It's a rare thing for me. Anyway, see you around" The Supreme said and left the shop shortly.

I felt relieved but also disappointed when seeing the Supreme leaving the store. I was secretly praying for him to speak to me longer.

"Who is he?" Granny asked.

"He is a new boy in our school," I said as I started to pick up the flowers on the floor.

"He seems like a great guy " Granny added on.

"Ya, of course. He is a Supreme" I said.

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