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When desi came to Hogwarts she made herself a horcux to be sure that if her mother found her she couldn't die, only half of her.
A couple of years later when Voldemort came back she found it and hid it in the castle so she knew where it was, the problem with that is jadea found it.
They were in the gardens when jadea was attempting to kill her again.
She took out the knife and desi's heart went in her stomach.
"How did you," said desi.
"Did you think you could hide a horcux from me, ha pathetic?" Said jadea.
She tried to break it causing desi extreme pain.
Her glasses broke off and her eyes went full and her snake eyes showed fully.
She ran out of the garden so fast trying to find Tom.
She fell on her robe causing it to rip off her.
She got up and kept running.
She found mattheo and Tom in snapes classroom.
She ran in and fell to the ground.
She felt her bones crack with every movement.
"Are you ok?" said mattheo she got up and mattheo sat her down getting her water.
"My mother she...she," said desi terrified.
"Slow down and try again," said Tom.
"She found my horcux Tom, ahhhhh," said desi screaming.
"You have a fucking horcux and you didn't tell me," said Tom.
"I tried to I just didn't want someone to read my thoughts, Tom I'm dying," said desi screaming.
"Fuck, Tom what do we do," said mattheo.
"I don't know," said Tom a tear falls down his face as he knew the pain she was going through.
Jadea broke the door.
Desi fell on the ground crawling to the door.
"The blade," said Tom.
Jadea chases desi out of the room the boys trying to get the knife.
They couldn't do it.
Desi fell into the grand hall where Dumbledore was making a speech.
"Dumbledore, you have to help me please don't let her do this, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," said desi screaming.
Jadea came in.
She took the knife and crushed it.
Desi took her last breath.
Tom came in and saw her cold body on the floor.
"Why isn't she disintegrating, why isn't it working," said jadea crushing the knife more and more.
"Ahhhhh, fucking work," said jadea.
Jadea watched as her magic left her body.
"Come on, your not coming out of this living.
No fucking way" said jadea she picks up the blade and it turns to ash.
"No, no this can't be it," said jadea.
"No, you're not going to live no," said jadea.
They all watched her.
"Come on desi, just open your eyes," said mattheo.
Tom was frozen watching her.
Suddenly a breath of air entered her lungs.
Her claws broke off and she slowly opened her eyes.
"No," said jadea.
"NO" shouted jadea.
Desi stood up and looked at jadea.
Her eyes were normal and her magic was gone but not completely.
"How, how are you not dead," said jadea.
"You should of read the carvings, cause if you did you would know that only kills one part of me." Said desi.
"Magic," said jadea.
She took her knife and chanted a quick spell and it turned into a beautiful old wand.
The handle was black crystal with green specks and the wood was a beautiful black wood with silver ascents and vine going down the wood.
"No that's not possible," said jadea.
"I may not be a serinia anymore but I am extremely knowledgeable in the dark arts and spells you just never cared.
You thought they were just storybooks.
I've been preparing for this day since I got here, I stole toms books and studied.
Now, who looks like the fool" said desi.
"I mean how clueless are you, I told you that I created that horcux and you never figured it out,
Serinias can't create Horcruxes only wizards, I'm surprised how stupid you really are" said desi.
She put her wand to jadeas neck.
Jadea tried to kill her but she blocked every spell.
"No, you can't just be the hero.
You a nothing and you will always be nothing" said jadea.
"Are those seriously your last words?" said desi.
"Wait please I'm sorry," said jadea.
Desi got right in her face scowling.
"I'm not," said desi.
She cast Avada Kedavra snd just like that jadea was dead.
They all looked at her as she turned her wand back into a blade slitting jadeas throat.
"Desirae," said Dumbledore.
"Yes," said desi turning around showing her normal eyes.
She smirked and walked out.
She set fire to the body using magic and then went to her dorm.
She looked at the wand and shed a tear knowing all that power she had was gone.
Tom came in.
"Any reason why your crying," said Tom.
"I just I knew this would happen eventually,
I just didn't prepare myself to lose that part of me.
This is going to take some getting used to.
I've never had to rely on an object for magic I just I miss it" said desi.
"I'm just scared people aren't going to be afraid anymore, Tom I know spells but I can't just do spells without using effort I just.
What if my sisters find me, I'll be dead the moment they figure out I have no magic left" said desi.
"Darling, you're the most advanced witch I've ever seen, I'm jealous of your knowledge I know it's hard but if I can do this I believe you can.
I'll teach you, love, I will make sure you can do this.
And one day I will promise I will get your magic back.
I love you so much" said Tom.
He kissed her and looked at her wand.
"You know that's a serinia wand, with practice, you can do all the spells you did before, and look at the wand your holding is beautiful as you," said Tom kissing her neck.
"I swear if she comes back.
I'm going to literally end myself" said desi.
She puts a hand through his curls as he hit her sweet spot.
They hook up and after Tom teaches her some spells and how to use smells quickly.
Desi also showed him some spells she knew

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