Finally Coming Home

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Harry's POV

She was in Australia. My best friend was in Australia. And she has been for the past four years. I never knew I could miss someone this much. I mean, she was my best friend and all. But still. 

I was laying in my bed in the four-bedroom house I shared with Neville. Life since the war ended has change. And I'm not sure if it's in a good way or a bad way. On one hand, Ron had married Luna Lovegood and was very happy. Neville found his true love Hannah Abbot-though hasn't found the courage to ask her to marry him-. And George and his girlfriend Angelina are happy. But on the other hand, Hermione has been in Australia for four years. I miss her so much. I haven't seen nor talked to her since I dropped her off at the airport four years ago. 

That was until las week when she got into contact with me asking me to pick her up at the airport today. She was finally coming home. And she agreed to live with me and Neville. This was one of the best days of my life.

I'm standing in the airport waiting to see a bushy and curly haired girl walking over to me in the crowed. I am so excited. I've never felt this way before. I look up at the board of flights and see Hermione's plane had just landed. Standing there, looking for Hermione and reading the name tags on each bag as it passed through the machine, I heard someone clearing their throat. I turned around and saw a girl standing there who resembled Hermione but looked different. Though I knew it was her, she looked different. She didn't have her curly bushy brown hair anymore, instead, her hair was rather straight and thin. It looked nice but didn't it quiet suit her. And she was also wearing a lot of make-up, and I was used to that kind of thing, I mean. I have seen Ginny, Luna, Angelina, and Fleur all wearing it, but it looked like Hermione was wearing a lot.  "Hermione? Is that you?" 

"Of course, it's me silly" she said as she ran to me, and she flung her arms around my neck.

 I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground. I was so exhilarated to see her that I didn't even notice that some people were staring at us. I was in the moment.  I was just happy to see my best friend after all these years. 

"Oh Ron! I missed you too!" said Hermione has she flung her arms around Ron, who already had his arms wrapped around her back.

"Wow, Hermione, your hair is so thin." said Ron as he pulled out of their long hug.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I-I thought it would be a nice change. You know, get rid of the curly bushy hair and come back with something new." said Hermione, though when she said it, it didn't sound like she wanted to do it.

We were all gathered around Hermione in the living room of the house when Ginny asks "So? How was Australia? Do you have any significant other? Did you break up with that person?"

"Jeez Ginny, let Hermione breath, she only just got back." said Ron as he took a sip of his beer.

"I know she just got back. That's why I'm asking, because I need to know, so tell me. How was it? Significant other? Break up?" Said Ginny, clearly excited. 

"Ok, ok," Hermione started as she laughed. "Australia was amazing, though most times I missed you all. No, I am not currently dating anyone. And No, I didn't break up with anyone because I wasn't dating anyone in the first place," said Hermione as she took a sip of her beer. 

Ginny choked on her beer and then said, "You mean to tell me that you, the hot and sexy Hermione Jean Granger, hasn't dated anyone since you went to Australia four years ago!?"

Hermione just simply laughed before saying "Yes, Ginny, that's right."

"Well then we need to get you, and someone hooked up!" Angelina jumped in and all the men laughed.

"You know, I'd rather not talk about this certain subject in front of a bunch of immature men." Hermione said as she used to before she moved away.

"What are you going to do for a job now Hermione?" Asked George

"Oh, well, I'm actually going to be a part of the mystery solving team at the ministry." She said as if it were nothing.

"What?! Hermione! That is amazing! You'll be working with Harry, George, and I ever day." exclaimed Ron

"That's right." I said, finally speaking in this conversation.

"Wait, Harry you knew?" asked Luna

"Of course, I knew."  I said, acting as if I were fine with it when really my heart was beating for joy. I had no idea what this feeling was, but I loved it. I was the only one who knew, and it felt great.

Hermione's POV

I was just sitting there in the doctor's office at the hospital. My doctor back in Australia told me to come see this other doctor, Dr. Maya Hanson. She was supposedly the best immunologist doctor there was. And I was open to anything to get rid of this horrible cancer. There was a knock at the door and then it opened.

"Hello, good afternoon, Mrs. Delany-"

"Granger. It's Granger now." I corrected her

"Oh, sorry, it says here that your husband is Joseph Delany." said Dr. Hanson looking down at her chart.

"Well, not anymore." I said looking down at my left hand that no longer holds two huge diamond rings.

"Oh, well, would you like me to change your status to unmarried and make your last name Granger?" she asked.

"Yes, that would be very well appreciated."

"All right...... So now that that's done, let's move on and talk." Dr. Hanson started. "So, how much chemotherapy have you had Miss, Granger?"

"Please call me Hermione. And I've had about one month. "

"OK, so, according to your biopsy and x-rays that we have taken, the amount of chemo supplied to you wasn't enough. I'd like to boost your amount and have you come in three days a week instead of two."

"Umm, w-what would that mean, coming in one more day and boosting my amount in terms of my hair. It's already pretty thin."

"Well, with every type of chemo, for any type of cancer, your hair will fall out." Dr. Hanson said softly

"Yes. I'm well aware, I'm a bit of a know-it-all. My professor even asked me if I took pride in being an insufferable know-it-all. But that still doesn't stop me from asking. Because I grew up with these two boys, Harry and Ron, we were all best friends from ages 10 to 17. And then I left Britan to go to Australia with my curly busy brown hair. And then four years later, I come back with cancer and straight thin hair with some dead ends. Ron asked why my hair was so different and I had to tell him I wanted to change it. When I was happy with the way it always was"

"Wait, I'm sorry, but you are no longer with Mr. Delany, and your two best friends don't know about your cancer?" she asked "Is there anyone who knows?"

I looked down towards my feet for an answer. 

"Ok," she stated once she realized my answer. "Hermione, cancer is a very hard thing. You're going to have to get sicker and sicker in order to get better. You're going to need a support system through your process of getting better, and they're going to find out whether you like it or not. So, tell them Hermione. Tell your friends and I'll see you tomorrow for your first round of your new chemo treatment." she finished and left the room.

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