Finding out

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Hermione's POV

It has now been one month since my first round of chemo treatments and my hair is starting to fall out. I'm also throwing up from it and it's making me extra tired. I'm trying to hide it from Harry and Neville and from everyone else when they come over. But it's hard. A lot harder than I anticipated. I think Dr. Hanon was right, I think I need to tell someone, but who? Ron? No, he'll just tell Harry. Neville? No, he can't keep a secret to save his life. Ugh! I don't want to be pitied. I hate being pitied. And if I start talking about the cancer, I'll cry, and I'll admit the real reason that I came back. Not that I didn't want to come back, but I needed to get away from Joesph. I needed to get away from the environment he put me in. The physical and mental pain he caused me. And I did. I finally got away from him. But most of my troubles followed me.

I was in my bathroom that was connected to my bedroom, I had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing my white rob. How much hair have I lost this time? I thought to myself as I ran my fingers through my hair. It wasn't too much, but it was more than the last time. I was going to end up bald soon, and I knew it. but I had to put that out of my mind. I had to pretend everything was completely normal because if I didn't, something would come out.

 I have been putting in some extra hours at the ministry just to avoid suspicion from Harry or Neville at home. Because to me, it seemed completely normal for me to work extra hours-and apparently to them too-. But whenever I'm home, Harry has been so loving and fun. There have been times where I just can't help but imagine him in ways that best friends shouldn't. I know I should be focusing on more important and meaningful things, for instance work, or researching different ways to get rid of my cancer. But sometimes, I just can't help it. And I hate it,

Harry's POV

This past month that Hermione has been living with me and Neville have been great, though she's out running errands (as she calls it) and working late hours a lot, but when she's home, it's really quiet fun. There have been some moments when we just get into very deep conversations and it feels like something is going to happen between us, but something or someone always interrupts us. Something has felt different about her. When she walks into a room, she seems all tense and nervous, but then we talk and laugh, and she seems to feel better. And a few times, I have caught her throwing up in the toilet and taking naps when she ever used to. I asked her twice what was wrong, but both times she just said it was nothing and on the last time, she asked me to stop asking her. And she seemed pretty annoyed, so I respected her wish and has left it alone ever since.

Ever since Hermione started working at the ministry in our department, myself, Neville, Ron, George and Hermione have been very close. I love working with all of them. Right now, the five of us are all sitting in my officer-since I'm chief Auror- and having some lunch.

"Any knew cases 'Mione?" I asked

"We just solved one yesterday, but besides that, no new interesting ones.' she said as she checked her phone. "Crap." she stood up abruptly and started to collect her things. 

"What is it?" asked Neville

"I have got to go somewhere." 

"Where? I thought you were working for the rest of the day?" asked George.

"I am, but I have a meeting to attend right now. Bye" she said. And with that, she was gone.

Hermione's POV

It has been a couple hours since I left Harry's office. I feel really bad for lying. But I couldn't tell them where I was actually going. I couldn't tell them that I was actually going to go get my chemo treatments. 

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