Revealing the truth

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Harry's POV

When Hermione told me that she was married and that her husband abused her, I was so furious. All I wanted to do was to storm out of the house, find that son of a bitch and kill him. Or at least, as Dobby has said, seriously injure. He hurt my best friend. The woman I love and would do anything for. But I heard and felt how hard Hermione was crying. And I know I couldn't leave her. I just knew it. And plus, we had bigger things to worry about. For instance, her cancer. I just couldn't believe that she hadn't told me yet. But I wasn't going to get mad about it, she was hurting, and I wouldn't. I couldn't cause her to hurt more. I loved her way too much. 

Hermione's POV

Once I told Harry about Joesph and my cancer, he comforted me. Just like I knew he would. I made a good choice in telling him. I trust him with my life. With everything.

Right now, two days after I told Harry, I have another round of chemo. And I've told Harry what Dr. Hanson said about me having to bring the person I told. And he immediately said he'd go with me without me even asking him first. I start heading into the living room and see Harry standing in the kitchen

"Hey," I say, putting my book down on the counter. "You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." Said Harry as he picked up his car keys.

"Go where?" asked Neville as he walked in clearly after taking a shower since.

"Oh um, to the store." I made up

"Oh great! Can you pick up some salami, cheese, bread, tomatoes, bacon, and lettuce?" 

"Yeah, sure." said Harry. We exchanged the same look and left.

It was three days after my treatments, and I have been losing my hair like crazy. I have been trying not to cry, but sometimes it's hard. I let a little bit slip, but thankfully no one ever notices. Harry has been so comforting and nice. I think I really love him. 

I am currently in my bathroom and am getting ready for the day. I have the day off and plan on spending it reading and doing arts and crafts. I'm running my fingers through my hair in my bathroom and come across, what I think, is a huge knot. But I pull on it a tiny bit and what comes out makes me break down. I saw a huge clump of my hair come out so easily. I start to cry and try to stop myself, but I can't. I can't make it stop. I start sliding against the vanity and sit on the floor with my back leaning against the vanity, clutching my hair in my hand and sobbing. Sobbing so hard. 

"Hermione?" says Harry as he walked in and saw me. "'Mione what's wrong?" he asked urgently as he sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

"I'm losing my hair." I cried, holding out the hair that I had in my hands. "It's coming out so fast. Too fast."

"Hermione, you need to tell everyone else." he said. "I'm not going to tell anyone, but you do."

He was right. No matter how much I didn't want to admit it, he was right. 

The following day, I agreed to have everyone over and tell them all together. Harry gathered everyone. He told me Ron, Neville, George, Luna, Ginny, and Angelina were coming. He also told me that when he was asking everyone at the Weasley house, Molly and Arthur had told him they wanted to come to hear this news too. But I would only tell Ron, Neville, and George about Joesph. And I knew it was stupid. I mean, I wouldn't tell the girls, but I would tell the boys? Twisted. But I've always felt more comfortable around boys. And I hated being pitied and I knew these boys won't pity me. I wasn't so sure about the girls though. And I also think a part of me wanted to boys to know more than the girls, because Ron, Neville, George and Harry would fist fight for me if Joesph ever found me. Which made me feel safer to know.

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