"A whole village of people"

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Hermione's POV

It's been about a week since I told everyone about my cancer. And Ron, George, and Neville about Joesph. They promised me that they wouldn't tell anyone, and I trusted that they wouldn't. Everything has been going okay. Except for the fact that more of my hair is gone. And I have been feeling very ill. 

Right now, Harry, Neville, and I are at the Weasley's house for a breakfast Molly made us come to. 

"So, what do you have planned for today, Hermione?" Molly asked while putting food out for everyone.

"Uh, Harry, Neville, Ron, George and I are going to my chemo treatments in a while." I said, trying to get past my nausea to eat.

"Oh! May I join!? I'd love to be there for you." Molly asked.

"Um, yeah, I mean, it'll probably be pretty boring."

"Oh, I don't care. I'll come either way."

A few hours later, Molly, Neville, George, Ron, Harry and I are sitting in the waiting room at the hospital to get called in. Suddenly, a doctor walks over to us and says, "Hello Hermione, you brought some more people, that's always good to see." 

It was Dr. Hanson. all of us stood up and I said, "Hello Dr. Hanson, yes, I did, I told everyone."

"That is great progress Hermione, care to introduce me?"

"Uh yes, this is Ron, my best friend. Ron's older brother George who is also a great friend of mine. This is Neville, another great friend of mine, who I also am roommates with. You've meet Harry. And this is Molly, Ron and George's Mom, but also like my mom. She really wanted to come today. Everyone, this is Dr. Maya Hanson, my immunologist. Er, lymphoma doctor."

"Hi, everyone, it's great to meet you." Dr. Hanson said.

"Hello. I'm Molly Weasley, I just wanted to make sure Hermione is getting the very best care. This girl has been through so much with PTSD from a war she fought in, losing her parents just because she was protecting them, having been tortured and not even five minutes later having a knife held to her throat. And not to mention how she almost died at least once every year for seven years straight and having to keep these boys out of trouble. She's been through a lot, and I just want to make sure she's getting the very best care."

"Very mother-like of you Mrs. Weasley. And yes, I can assure you Hermione is getting the very best care. And since we caught her cancer early enough, she has even better survival rates. Now, shall we get chemo started?"

It was about an hour later when Dr. Hanson took me into a private room to do an examination. She said there might be something wrong, so she put me in an MRI machine and took scans. Right now, I'm waiting in my baby blue colored room waiting. Dr. Hanson walks in with a long package the holds MRI scans. Uh-oh, I think to myself. She wouldn't bring the scans in if it were nothing. Would she? And as if reading my mind, she said "Hermione, we found something." In a solemn tone. "Would you like me to tell you alone, or would you like me to bring everyone in here?"

I thought for a moment. "Yes, bring them all in please." I said I decided I didn't want to be alone when I heard this news. I was alone for one part; I was alone when I was told. I didn't want to be alone for this.

Dr. Hanson nodded and walked out of the room to get everyone.

Harry's POV

Dr. Hanson kicked us out a while ago. She said it would only be about 10 minutes for an examination. But it's been almost 40. I'm really getting worried. What if something bad happened? I thought. What if the treatments stopped working? I saw Dr. Hanson walking over to us, but no Hermion. Uh-oh, I thought.

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