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*While planning to break in somewhere*
Y/N: Hey, let's do "Get Help!"
MJ: What?
Y/N: "Get Help."
MJ: No.
Y/N: C'mon, you love it!
MJ: I hate it.
Y/N: It's great! It works every time!
MJ: It's humiliating.
Y/N: Do you have a better plan?
MJ: No.
Y/N: We're doing it!
MJ: We are not doing "Get Help!"
*A Minute Later*
Y/N, carrying MJ: Get help! Please! He's dying! Help Him! *throws MJ at guards, knocking them out*
Y/N: Ahh, classic!
MJ: *gets up* I still hate it. It's humiliating.
Y/N, laughing: Not for me, it's not.


Y/N: Bye Kavin! Bye Thyme! Bye MJ! Bye Ren! Bye Kavin!
Gorya: You said ‘bye Kavin’ twice.
Y/N: I like Kavin.


Ren: We need a way to lure in new customers?
MJ: Maybe we could have some fun, interactive events!
Y/N: Thyme bath water.


Y/N: *is wearing silk pants* How does this look?
Kavin: Like its slips on and off really easily.
Kavin: No, I didn't mean it like that-
Mira: We know what you meant.


Kidnapper: We have your child
Ren: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Ren: Oh god, you have Y/N.


Y/N: Good morning!
Gorya: Is it? Is it really?


Thyme: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into-
Ren: You sleep with a teddybear.


Gorya: What's the worst thing you guys have done?
Thyme: Rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade.
MJ: I kicked Kavin in the shin-
Kavin: -So I kicked MJ between the legs.
Y/N: I burned a town down.
Thyme: What?!
MJ: What the hell is wrong with you?!?
Y/N: A lot of things.
Kavin: No sht.


MJ: I know you love them.
Thyme: I am not in love with Y/N!
MJ, staring at Thyme: I never said who...
Thyme: *realizes*
Thyme: Sht. Well, anyways-


Ren: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
The Squad: Awwww-
Ren: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
The Squad: Oh.


MJ: Why cant trees give off something important like wifi??
Y/N: So screw oxygen, I guess.


Thyme: Are you tall enough to play basketball though?
Gorya: Are you calling me short?
Thyme: I'm calling you vertically challenged.


Gorya, talking about Thyme: Look, he's just the biggest jerk ever.
Y/N: You're not explaining what he did.
Gorya: He breathed.


Y/N: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one.
Kavin: Erm... it’s nice see your smile when you win!
Y/N: He's probably just staring at my ass, isn't he.
Gorya: Yeah, probably.


Ren: I just had a long talk with MJ and Kavin about hitting and now they are yelling “it’s my turn to perpetuate the cycle of violence” before hitting each other.


MJ: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk.
Thyme: Go the fck to sleep MJ.


Ren: Hey, I've never had a nightmare before and kinda wanna know what they're like. Can you help me out?
Y/N: Sure! See you soon.


Y/N: Why did you leave Wrestlemania on for the cats?
Thyme: They need to learn how to protect us.


Kavin, knocking on the door: Thyme, open up!
Thyme: It all started when I was a kid.
Kavin: That’s not what I-
Y/N: Let him finish!


Y/N: I wish I could help you, but I shorn’t.
MJ: Y/N, please!
Y/N: What part of shorn’t don’t you understand?


Thyme: Is something burning?
Y/N, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you.
Thyme: Y/N, the toaster is literally on fire.


Gorya: Tell me a little about yourself.
Y/N: I'd rather not, I really like this group.


*Everyone is playing a board game together*
MJ: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Kavin: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Thyme: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Ren: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Thyme: *flips the board*


Y/N: Go big or go home!
Kaning: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
Y/N: I'm going big!


Y/N: Alright, which one of us is gonna check outside?
Kavin: Not it!
MJ: Not it!
Y/N: ...Neither one of you are as dumb as you lead on to be.


Y/N: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Ren: wHat?
Y/N I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved.
Ren: Can we go back to the part when you said "when I get murdered"?


Kavin: When I was young, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it.
Y/N: You're kind of proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations.


Gorya: Y/N got into a fight.
Thyme: That’s bad.
Thyme: Did they win?


MJ: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong?
Kavin: Strong.
Ren: Weak.
Thyme: An idiot, is what your are.


Thyme, very tired: Can I sleep in your bed?
Y/N: *half asleep* Thyme, this is a queen-sized bed. That means it’s for *gestures vaguely to themself* the Queen.


MJ: Here is my wall of inspirational people.
Y/N: Is that a picture of you?
MJ: Yes, I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.

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