Chapter 2: awakening and problems

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It had been a week since Callum became a dragon and he still had not woken up yet. They were still a few days away from Xadia and they hoped he would wake before they arrived as they were not going to go through the lava bridge. Zym was also starting to get worried as he started to paw at Callum very often and was always led under his wing.

Callum's POV

I slowly opened my eyes shaking the sleep away and saw everything crystal clear as if it were the middle of the day, but it was not it was the middle of the night with a barely visible moon shining through the clouds. I let out a tired sigh, but it sounded wrong, I felt wrong. I decided to try and stand so I did, I felt too tall and tried to take a step forward but fell forwards landing with a large thump, I am not that heavy am I? The pain felt further from my face than it should have been and when I tried to move a hand to touch it, I saw a teal scaled paw. I tried moving it and it moved, that's when I tried to stand, but on all fours, and realized that it felt a lot easier and as I inspected myself, I saw that I looked quite similar to Zym in everything but size and eye colour, I noticed I was at half the size of the dragon I freed when I became like this and as I saw my reflection in a large bowl of water my eyes were the same forest green as they were when I was human. I decided I should try and find Rayla and Ezran and hope they were not in the middle of a town. He carefully looked out of a crack in the tent above the wagon and saw them asleep not too far away and decided to wake them as he walked over to Ezra he mumbled "Why was it me who turned into a dragon" to the wind. When he got over to his brother, he gently nudged him with his snout until he began to stir. When Ezra opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of my face right in front of his, he let out a surprised yelp before seeing who it is and saying "Oh, high... Callum" tiredly. After a while Ezran's eyes lit up with excitement and he hugged me making it my turn to yelp and after I got over the shock, I gently placed my head on his shoulders making sure not to crush him.

Ezran said "I'm so happy you're okay you were asleep for a week" Hearing the news my face turns to one of shock before I could say anything Ezran said "How did you learn to walk so fast?"

I paused for a moment before saying said, "Before I went unconscious, I was given memory's I never had or did such as how to hunt, Fly, walk, run, and luckily talk." I hid the fact I knew how to breath lightning.

Ezran wears a mischievous look and ask's "What did you say I didn't understand you" I gave a nervous gulp and had a horrified look on my face. Luckily Ezran was lying and said, "You do realise I was just joking? Think we should wake up Rayla?"

I have a mischievous grin and say, "Sure, let me".

I walk over to where she I peacefully sleeping and let out a quite roar into her ear causing her to instantly shoot up and have her blades in her hands looking for a culprit. As she scans around her eyes land on me, and she angrily says "You almost gave me a heart attack what was that for Callum? ... Wait Callum, your awake" I just nod before saying "Where would the fun be in not scaring you half death, I had to scare someone and decided that Ezran probably wouldn't like me if I did that."

She gives me an angry look before looking at Ezran and asking for him to translate which he did without second thought, not wanting to deal with an angry Rayla. She gave me a deadpan look and I just tilted my head causing her to giggle at how I looked. Ezran said "So then any ideas on how we can get there with a dragon that can barely fit in the wagon?"

Rayla said, "We could get a bigger one?"

Ezran says "We have almost no money and the money we do have is going to have to be used for food, its not like we could just go and steal a cart."

I warily say, "We could fly?"

Rayla says, "Let's make sure you can do it first then we can." I open my wings remembering the memory of how to fly I had and carefully beat my wings propelling me upwards. Once I was high enough, I did a circle around the trees and landed steadily.

Rayla asked, "When did you learn to fly?" Ezran said about how I got the memories forced into my mind; she was confused but accepted the answer as it was the best she would get. They turned around when they heard a chirp and saw that Zym had woken up with all the commotion and moved over to Callum watching him for any sudden movements. I lowered himself down so that he seemed less threatening and when Zym sniffed me before he happily chirped Dad before happily nuzzling I who moved his head back and sternly said "I'm not your dad Zym"

Zym confusedly said "yes you are" I repeated what is said, when he did not listen Ezran tried to say it to, but Zym was not having any of it and kept advancing on me and kept trying to nuzzle my face, I let out an annoyed grumble and let him nuzzle me as much as I hated it. Ezran was confused so I blankly said, "I am too tired to try and stop him and it isn't like it would just make him stop" Ezran said "How are you tired you were asleep for at least a week"

I just shrugged and said "Didn't notice. We should get going soon id rather get in Xadia as fast as possible considering that if anyone saw me, they would most likely attack me on sight." Ezran nodded before I lowered myself so they could get on my back which was big enough for them to both get on with their things. I then quickly took off and headed east towards Xadia. When I looked down and saw the man that had attacked them not long ago and he flew higher and into the clouds to escape his lone of sight. When they were steadily flying, I said "Let's hope the dragon queen isn't too annoyed about Zym thinking I'm his farther and hopefully she can make him understand"

Rayla said "Don't think that's going to be very easy there Callum you're the first dragon he's ever seen aside from himself and from I remember the first dragon that a hatchling of the same type sees they will presume as their mother or farther depending on gender, and nothing is able to change their minds. Meaning now you are gonna have to get used to him thinking you're his farther" I gulped and said, "Just great, think the queen will understand?" Rayla said "Lets hope so. Also, I was just wonderin' what it felt like turning into a dragon?" I then said it felt like I was being crushed by Xadia before then being stretched to fill an invisible container while I felt like my skin was on fire from my scales forming Zym dropped his head in front of my face and asked, "What do you mean by scales forming dad?"

I sighed before saying "Are you noticing somebody missing?"

Zym said "yes the tall human isn't here, what about him dad?"

I then said "I am that tall Human, and my name is Callum, not that you're going to use it"

Zym looked confused before doing a dragon shrug and nuzzling his face up against my neck causing me to groan in annoyance. It was going to take a long time to get used to this. I quickly fell into the world of unconsciousness with Zym soon doing the same

We flew for a few hours before my wings started to ache which caused me to start looking for a clearing to land and rest at. When I found it, I gently glided down into a landing and was able to do it more gracefully than the first time before lowering myself so they could get off my back, when they were off my back Ezran asked "Why did we stop Callum?" I responded by saying "My wings have started to ache" Ezran understood and told Rayla who nodded and asked guess were staying here for a while?" This caused me to nod before lying down and resting my head on my large paws. When I did, I felt something push against my side. When I looked down at the offender, I saw it was Zym cuddling up to me. I could not be bothered telling him not so I just lowered my wings so they could rest and recover faster. I could feel something vibrating through my side and wing causing me to focus on the faint sound and realized that Zym was purring. When Rayla realized what Zym was doing she teasingly said "Aww, someone looks comfortable" when she said this, I let out a small bolt of lightning that shocked her hand causing her to yelp and grumble that she probably deserved that


I am aware they are not entirely how they acted in the show I will keep them somewhat accurate but will have them different, so I am not as restricted in what they do. Also, I appreciate any criticism that you have this is going to be the first story I complete.

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