Chapter 4: The illness

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A/N: I am unable to watch the correct episode as of writing this for the third POV. Sorry, ill fix it when I can watch the right episode

Sorry it's been such a long time I had lost inspiration and needed to rewatch the show before continuing

Callum's POV:

We have been flying for a few hours now, just above the treeline, and my headache has started to get worse, for some reason Zym is whining and nudging me worriedly. Sure, I'm not feeling the best but I'm not gonna fall out the sky or anything. I feel a surge of pain in my head and my wings falter. We begin to fall as I hear the wind rushing past my face with Rayla and Ezran's screams in the distance. I feel the trees smacking into my scales and twigs getting stuck in my fur. We crash into the ground, and I feel as the mud crashes past me while I go through the ground leaving a path of destruction behind me. When we stop, I try to get up again, but I fall over and lose consciousness, the last thing I heard was the sound of a whine and the worried voices of Ezran

Zym's POV

I whine in worry as I frantically nudge dad, why is he not moving? I am worried, I do not want him to go.

Callum's POV

I jolted awake. I felt myself move and after I blinked a few times I was in a large grassy field with the sun to my back casting a large shadow over two small figures on horseback a while away. As I focused on them, I saw them. They were King Harrow, the king of Kotalis, and Viren the dark mage of Kotalis. I heard a deep voice bellow "Today is an important day for me, you are lucky. I am giving you a chance to turn back, I have better things to deal with than you"

I heard Harrows reply, "You killed my wife, "and after a pause yelled "and I will avenge her!" as his horse began to charge. I felt myself?- No. The dragon that he was seeing through the eyes of- look at the charging humans with a spear in one of their hands in confused way. He got ready to launch lightning at the humans before the spear was thrown and he saw as it hit him in the chest near where his heart is. He was about to laugh but the area felt stiffer, almost like stone. I realised what was happening when I felt the feeling spread and I panicked turning around trying to get back to my Zubia before it spread to my wing joints just before I launched into the air freezing them open. I feel it travels down my legs and encase my feet, trapping me to the spot. It was spreading quickly and before I could call my Zubia and warn her it had locked my jaw shut and I was forced to watch as it went further and left all but an eye before turning it to stone. I expected to feel darkness, but I just felt cold. I could still see and watched as they went up the spire to take our child as well as whatever they could find that we were keeping safe from anybody ill-willed like them.

Soon after they went in, I watched helplessly as the dark mage had the egg in his arms, stealing the thing I care about most. I felt myself age as the days turned to nights becoming quicker and quicker as moss grew all over me with birds nesting on my back and in any nooks they found. My view of the mountain never faded, I was cursed to forever watch the spire as elves came and went to watch over my weakening Zubia.

I felt myself being sucked into myself, I panicked but after I saw night for the next time, I felt a swirl around me as I then saw myself hatch to my beloved parents and how I grew up seeing the great and worse parts of my life until I was back where I woke up. I then felt myself being lulled to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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