Chapter 2

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A yellow and black seagull sat in his makeshift nest looking through a telescope and looking around with it.

"Denki!" He heard his name be called and he noticed a red and white head and a green.

"Whoa! Merman off the port bow! Shoto, how are you doing, kid?" Denki asked.

"Denki, look what we found." Shoto said and pulled out his bag full of stuff.

"Yeah. We were in this sunk ship, and it was really creepy-"

"Human stuff, huh?" Denki interrupted Izuku. "Hey let me see."

Denki flew well, more likely fell out of his nest and looked into the bag.

"Oh! Oh! Look at this." Denki said and pulled out the small silver triton. "Wow. This is special. This is very, very unusual."

"What? What is it?" Shoto asked with excitement.

"It's a dinglehopper. Humans use these little babies to straighten their hair out." Denki chuckled and started to demostaright. "See? Just a little twirl here and a yank there and violee, Ya got an aesthetically-pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over. Especially the ladies."

"A dinglehopper." Shoto muttered and took the dinglehopper from Denki.

"What about that one?" Izuku asked and pointed to a wooden item.

"Ah! This I haven't seen in years. This is wonderful! A banded, bulbous snarfblatt."

"Whoa!" Shoto and Izuku gasped.

"Now, the snarfblatt dates back to prehistorical times when humans used to sit around and stare at each other all day." Denki said and stared at Shoto, who got uncomfortable under his gaze. "Got very boring. So, they invented this snarfblatt to make fine music. Allow me."

Denki blew into the instrument and bubbles flew out.

"Music!" Shoto gasped in realization.

"It's stuck!" Denki coughed.

"Oh, the concert!" Shoto yelled as he started to put his stuff back into his bag. "Oh no! My father's gonna kill me!"

"The concert was today?" Izuku gasped.

"Maybe you could make a little planter out of it or something." Denki said, but the object was stolen from his hands.

"I'm sorry! I gotta go!" Shoto apologized and dived under the water but came back up. "Thank you, Denki!"

"Any time!"

As Shoto swam towards home two sets of eyes of two eels watched as he swam with Izuku following.


"Yes, hurry home, little princey." A voice chuckled. "We wouldn't want to miss our old father's celebration, now, would we? Ha! Celebration, indeed. Oh, blah!"

A figure sat in the corner with a bowl of shrimp next to him.

"In my day, we had fantastical feasts, when I lived in the palace, with my dear brothers and sisters by my side. And now look at me." The figure came out of the shadows, to reveal a merman with a blue and black tail, black hair and scars over his toned chest. "Wasted away to practically nothing. Bashed and exiled and practically starving, while he and his flimsy fish folk celebrate."

The figure swam from his corner and towards the middle of his cave.

"Well, I'll give 'em something to celebrate soon enough. Toga! Jin!" The man, Dabi yelled which caused his two eels to swim towards him. "I want you to keep an extra close watch on my perfect little brother of mine. He may be the key to Enji's undoing."

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