Take 2

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"Currently the country is in turmoil, since the new government has been in office. The national budget has gone down considerably causing thousands to lose their jobs. There has been a recent increase in rioting, and the crime rate is skyrocketing. Homelessness has also been on a steady increase... Why wasn't the government trying to combat this, why is our budget so low, will anything be done?"

The news reporter had been saying the same thing for the past month and a half, Brian Holster was getting fed up with this.

"Why isn't there a no confidence motion yet or even a coup?", he grumbled as he flicked off the tv. He had been stuck in his house doing nothing after his company had released him simply because they couldn't afford to pay him anymore. He had tried multiple times to get another job but everyone turned him down as they couldn't afford anymore employees. Lucky for him, he'd been saving money for a little while, just in case. He got up to go get a beer and returned back to the couch to check his phone. He opened up the messages and scrolled through the countless amount of notifications before something caught his eye. He had received a message from the same backstabbing company. All the work he did for them and the only way they could pay him back was to drop him. He opened it out of curiosity and was shocked to see that they were calling all the people that they fired recently for a meeting. This news was a surprise to him, maybe they were thinking of hiring us back, maybe they even missed them. He didn't know which but he was going to that meeting. A few days later, Brian was standing outside the big building that was his old workplace. With hope in his heart, he walked in and was quickly escorted to one of the many meeting rooms on the third floor. Entering the room he noticed how tense the atmosphere felt. He saw some of his fellow coworkers seated, they were all smiling but you could tell how nervous they were by their stiff posture and constant moving but the hope was radiating off them. After a few minutes the meeting started. His old supervisor stood at the head of the long oak table, with a bunch of papers in hand.

"You guys must think you're funny?, Robbing the company just before you knew they were gonna let you go, thinking you wouldn't get caught". We all sat there shocked. Was this why they called us here, was this a set up? I barely heard what the supervisor said, after that my brain just wasn't processing what was going on. One of my coworkers, Steve, stood up and angrily shouted at the supervisor, some quietly cursed him. I barely heard the part where we all had to pay back the company or else be sent to jail. I was just too stunned to grasp the situation properly, I didn't realize when the meeting ended or when I went outside until I felt myself sit down. Now facing the empty road I felt the tears silently roll down my cheeks. I couldn't believe that they had called us there to frame us. Someone probably didn't even steal from them. All the money I had saved up before was now gone. Left with nothing, "what was I supposed to do?"

Note: I had to wrote this for a school assignment, they haven't given us a grade back soooooooo... out of 20 how much would you grade it?

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