Take 3

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Classes had just been dismissed and I was out as soon as the bell chimed, ignoring the calls of the teacher about homework knowing that it made no sense to listen if I wasn't going to do it anyway.

I went to my locker and grabbed a few things before heading out of the building to begin my long journey home, having being robbed of my bus money and leaving my beloved phone at home I had no other choice but to walk home.

So I started off my journey down the street and walked on.
After what seemed like hours the sky started to turn dark as I began to recognize the area I was in  and noting that if I just kept with my pace I should arrive at my house with in fifteen minutes.

But something just had to happen, up the road there was a road block with police swarming the area but still I pushed forward as this was the only route I knew to get home.

I approached the closest officer and asked what was going on, he responded quite coldly saying that I couldn't go through, there was a gang notorious for murder beyond the barricades and he instructed that I will have go to around,
But I insisted on going through not caring about getting shot, as this path was the only one I knew and after I few minutes back and forth arguing about my safety he said he'll let one of the lower officers lead me around the scene to which I agreed to and thanked him.

After a few minutes a young man with messy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes came jogging over to me in a uniform and asked me if I was ready to go, I nodded my head and he began to walk off with me following.

Tap.. tap.. tap
Our footsteps echoed through the darkness as we walked the dirt road path through the canopied forest, our only source of light being a torch light that the police man had.

"So.. umm.. by any chance, can you tell me what was going on there?" I said deciding to break the silence of the quiet walk.
Officer blondie cleared his throat and eyed me for a second.

"Uhh.. sorry kid, no can do, protocols and all and you could just wait for the scene to be aired on the news"

I quietly continued to follow him, finding no point in continuing the conversation.
He seemed to be thinking the same thing and continued to lead me through the dark forest in silence.

A few moments passed before a barely audible crunch sound could be heard from the forest.
"Uhh.. did you hear that?" I asked, turning my head to get a better view of the tree line, but the only thing I could see was the silhouettes of  trees swaying in the darkness.

An seemingly endless expanse of forest that could be hiding all sorts of monsters laid before me.
"I guess today I really was unlucky" I mumbled quietly to myself.

First I got yelled at for being late, then got my bus fare taken from me and now after the exhausting walk from my school to the entrance of my neighborhood, today just had to be the day some gang of crooks decided was a good day to go have some fun.

I was far too deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that officer blonde stopped until I walked right into him.

"Oww" I looked up at him, before asking "why'd we stop?"
He told me to be quiet, mumbling about how he heard something.

I strained my ears but couldn't hear anything out of usual, not that I would know how a forest normally sounded at night, given that this was my first time ever coming this way and being out so late at that. But just the normal foresty sounds of leaves rustling, birds chirping, twigs snapping and insects crying... wait, wait a second, twigs snapping? Maybe the darkness was getting to me and I was now hearing things or maybe it was just an animal.

But for some reason the course echoes of twigs snapping seemed to be quickly approaching our direction accompanied by what seemed to be a chorus of grunts.

I turned to look at officer blonde only to see him already looking at me. We seemed to be thinking the same thing, because a second later, both of us were flying down the dirty path, running at full speed.

We didn't stop until he deemed we were far enough away. I was dying. Panting like a spent hound. Full on arms on knees bent over heavy breathing, with a massive headache. Whilst i looked like the reality of having just ran full speed away from a life or death situation, officer blonde hear wasn't even breathing hard, he just stood there as graceful as ever, not a drop of sweat nor a sign of exhaustion. 

Here I am comparing my level of exhaustion to a freshly trained police officer who probably wouldn't even consider that run there as a warm up.

We continued back walking, this time being careful to properly observe our surroundings. 

"Ughhh, surely i would've already reached home if you guys had let me pass through the barricade" I drawled out, getting fed up of all the walking. 

"Wait, you would rather risk your life than take a longer route?"

"Well obviously,  a short cut is meant to be quick, not safe"  i rolled my eyes "And its much better than walking through this dark dreary forest, wait scratch that... I don't even walk home on a regular basis."

Officer blonde watched me confused "What do you mean?"

"I mean normally i would've taken a bus"

"Oh, what happened?"

This dude was really nosy, I thought to myself. 

"Well i was robbed and now have to suffer the consequences of not only being too weak to protect my money but also my parents not being home these days" I sighed just thinking baout it.

"If they were i could've called them and got a ride, oh yeah, I don't even have my phone anyways"

"Hmm, well life is like that sometimes"

After that no one said anything for a while. 

(It's been awhile and I can't even remember where I was going with this, so I'm just gonna post as is and call it George.) 

AJ out ;}

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