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I've been living in Woodbury Hills for as long as I could remember which wasn't very long seeing as I'm only 8.
Last year Mr Brooke's, a middle aged man, bought the small black condo to the left of our house but he only moved into last month.
Mr Brooke's is a tall man, with dark brown hair and deep hazelnut eyes that seems to always be deep in thought, he's so secretive that it's almost creepy and he's only ever talked to children or the elderly.
It's been rumored that no one has ever seen the inside of his house, some think that he has everything scattered around and it stinks with all the guy stuff and all whilst others think it so clean that he thinks if he lets anyone inside the area will instantly get contaminated and he'll have to move again, and then there's the people who thinks that he murders people in there and chops them up and bag them and maybe even be deporting them to Russia.

I for one might go for the last one cause ever since he moved in every night at directly 8pm, I would hear a chainsaw turning on and the sounds of it shredding through something could be heard from my bedroom, and to be honest it's just making me more and more terrified of him.

I've been trying to avoid the man but he seems to favor me the most and always seeks out what little conversation he could make with me and that would make me even more terrified of him.

I've been living in Woodbury Hills for as long as I could remember and I will never forget what I saw the day he invited me to see the inside of his house.

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