Formal (lexi howard x reader)

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It was the night of the winter formal. I didn't have a date not because I'm not interested in anyone but because of the fear of rejection. I had my eyes on the younger Howard sister who has been one of my best friends for years. I guess I couldn't fathom how someone like her could like someone like me. She's so kind and selfless and beautiful. And I'm me.

Currently I was getting ready at the Howard household with the Howard sisters and Maddy. Everyone was in beautiful and extravagant outfits. To be quite honest I felt underdressed compared to pretty much everyone else in my school all the time.

All of us were ready and waiting downstairs except for Lexi who was probably under confident and second guessing how she looks as always. Sometimes I wished she could see herself how I saw her. I was zoning out with thoughts of the brunette girl in my mind until I heard her coming down the steps.

As soon as she stepped into the room my mind went blank and I could only stare at the sight in front of me.  I was honestly speechless, I thought she couldn't get anymore beautiful but I was wrong.

"You look beautiful." Suze said as if she read my mind.

"I don't know." Lexi said shyly.

Cassie has a soft smile as she looked at her sister. She has always a certain adoration for her sister. One of the true loves she had.

"You look great Lex." I finally say, rolling my eyes when Maddy smirked at me.

The car to school was filled with loud music and Maddy offering Gatorade mixed with alcohol which I happily took to try and lessen my nerves.

We arrived at the school, sitting at a table and being joined by Rue, Jules, and Kat. Enjoying the night by just sitting and watching the crowd. Eventually the group left the table one by one. Rue and Jules to god knows where, Maddy trying to make Nate jealous with random boys, and Kat finally getting the confidence to make a move with Ethan.

All that was left Me and the Howard sisters. Cassie seemed a little sad but content and Lexi was tipsy which was adorable due to her usual quiet shy nature.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I say before leaving the table, not really waiting for an answer.

The couples hooking up in the bathroom had left by now so I was seemingly alone. I found myself pacing around, mumbling to myself, all in my own thoughts until Jules' voice interrupted me.

"You okay?" She asked, concern was evident in her voice.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine." I reply which was an obvious lie.

"Right." She didn't believe me, rightfully so.

"Is it Lexi?"

"Um, yeah." I decided against lying again. I trusted Jules. She wouldn't judge.

"Personally, I would go for it. The worst that could happen is she doesn't like you in that way but she's way too nice to just ignore you after."

"You're right. Thank you Jules. "

"I'll see you later,okay?" She put a hand on my shoulder. "Good luck" and she left the bathroom with a smile.

I look at myself in the mirror and try and hype myself up. And it worked. So with a little more confidence in my step I went back to the table, not sitting down but instead standing in front of Lexi and taking a breath before asking her a simple question.

"Can I dance with you?"

Shock was evident on her face and she immediately turned to look at her sister, I'm assuming Lexi didn't want to leave Cassie all by herself, who had a smile on her face, just happy for her sister.

"Go ahead. I'll be okay." I gave Cassie a grateful smile and held my hand out for Lexi which she took. I led her to the dance floor which was crowded with teenagers.

As soon as we got in the crowd a slow song started playing. My hand gravitated to her hips but before they landed I spoke up "is this okay?"

All she could do was nod so I rested my hands on her hips and her arms found their was around my neck. We stayed in that position for a little while, swaying back and forth. Lexi's head was leaned against my shoulder and for a couple minutes all I felt was calm. I decided to speak up

"You look absolutely stunning tonight Lexi. I mean as always." She didn't respond but I felt her smile against my shoulder. We pulled away Slightly to get a better look at one another.

"I really like you Lexi."

"I really like you too." I stretched my arm out and gave Lexi a little twirl as if to have a cheesy movie moment.

When she was back against me out eyes met and I could feel my face gravitate towards Lexi's but I stopped myself before going too far.

"You can kiss me." Lexi whispered. So I did. And it was like we were the only ones in the room, that was until Cassie decided to yell from the table.

"Yeah! Lexi!" Both our faces were red with embarrassment but at least we were in it together. For once in my life I felt content.

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