Tvd is a fucking roller coaster but u knew that

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I'm make good on the first part of the title of the this book...Tvd

My favorite characters are Kai, Katherine, Kol, Klaus and Rebekah

Yes bitch I am in love with a sociopath that murdered his whole family and doesn't really care that he did and if you aren't then you have issues

Katherine is a bad bitch. She does what she wants when she wants and despite losing her child, finding her whole family dead and trying to survive for 500 she never turned off her humanity unlike Elevator Gilbert who annoys the hell out of me

Not because she's a crybaby. She lost her whole family she had a right to cry but because of how she treated Stefan 

Not because she broke stefans heart but because she kept going back and forth between Damon and Stefan. She lead Stefan on when she knew she was in love with Damon

Well that and she was just annoying.

I just like Kol cause he was entertaining

I don't think I need to why I love daddy Klaus...and I do well too bad bitch and if you don't like you can join Elena at Wickery Bridge

And Rebekah is a queen who doesn't like her

Bonnie deserved better but now I'm just stating the fucking obvious 

Now for the Tvd ships:

I don't Ship Delena or Stelena but they both love Elena 

I ship Damon and Rose

Rebekah and Marcel

Stefan and Freya cause they has so much chemistry in their one scene together 

I ship Klaroline and Klamille

I ship Haylijah but Elijah and Gia had potential 

I only like Kolvina with witch Kol

Bonnie and Enzo (obviously)

Jeremy and Anna 

Tyler and Liv

Josh and Aiden

And I ship Kai and Katherine cause they could have been so powerful together 


Sybil: she was a good villain but she was a real bitch to Enzo, Bonnie and Damon. I mean she had good tactics but it was still fucked up

I already explained why I hate Elena 

Matt: I don't really hate him, I just don't get his purpose in the show after Vicki died

Cade: this one should be self explanatory 

Anyways my ranting about Tvd is why I have no friend and it annoys the hell out of my family

I thought I should mention that I'm rewatching The Originals while I'm writing this

Esther just jumped into Lenore's body and Hayley is confused as shit and its fucking funny

Anyways tomorrow I'm gonna rant about teen wolf and Legacies

Now imma go watch Shameless

See ya

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