Twilight is Shit...Kinda

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Look i love twilight but the acting in this scene was questionable

Like Bella kept pausing after every word like bitch just say the whole sentence

And Jacob being like..."I'm not.........good"

Did it really take that long to say "good"

When I was a kid I used to think that the twilight movies were like the best movies ever movies but now I realize that they're terrible

But I love them anyways

Also I'm team Jacob

well kinda

I like Jacob better than Edward

But i prefer Edward with Bella cause my baby Jacob deserved better

My favorite characters are:

Seth Clearwater

Leah Clearwater

Alice Cullen

Jasper Cullen

Sam, Jacob, Embry, Quil, Jared and Paul...basically all the wolves

I question the directors casting choices cause in the books Edward is supposed to be "beautiful" 

And Robert Pattinson just isn't

or it could just be cause I've never found him attractive...idk

Anyways imma go rewatch Twilight now


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