Mommy Hope in Legacies

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So imma talk about Legacies and if you bitches don't like it...too bad

So like most CW shows the first season started of good but then it just annoying.

like fucking jesus did the Malivore storyline really need to stretch for 3 goddamn seasons???

and i liked Landon is season 1 but like Matt i started to question his purpose in the show.

the only purpose I see in Landon is that he dated Hope and he was Malivores host body.

his character isn't bad...just boring

Now onto Al*ric Saltzman

The only thing i like about his bitchy ass is his daughters and his taste in really hot women.

I have reasons to hate Alaric

Reason #1: He always uses Hope's family against her

like bitch her family is fucking dead...lay off asshole

reason #2: The thing he said to Caroline about Josie and Lizzie not being her kids

Like you fucking asshole they're more her kids than they are yours. Did you carry them in your body? No. Did you give birth to them? Also no you fucking bitch

why am i talking like he can hear me??

i spent too much time talking to absolutely no one

i have issues but since you bitches are reading my book you already fucking knew that.

god why are you like this??

imma stop talking to myself now cause it's just sad

What am i gonna talk about now??

Well you little impatient bitches...imma talk about my favorite female character ever.

She a Mikaelson witch with a Werewolf mother and an Original father

She is the only one of her kind


yes we are gonna talk about my wife

So first of all she's a hot bitch but we all know that

i just realized that we literally watched hope grow up

anyways second of all she is extra wifey without humanity and as a fully activated tribrid

third she has terrible taste in men...Hope that's me telling you to date girls like

There i go talking to fictional character again

and now for the last thing


She's more powerful than all the wolves and all the vampires

I don't think Marcel's bite would work on her cause his venom is made from the venom of all 7 packs but it's still just wolf venom and Hope is a fucking wolf so...

And she is the most powerful witch

She solos Inadu, Dahlia, Esther, Qetsiyah, Silas and Bonnie

Yes Bonnie

Now dont get me wrong i love Bon Bon and yes she fucking saved everyone but she is not the most powerful witch

Yes she is a psychic but it's not like she actually knows how control or read minds

Not only that but she doesnt do big magic. most of the spells she does throughout the show are Locator and/or fire spells of some kind

And hope does all kinds of magic. Even Lizzie told Aurora that Hope wouldnt do a spell as simple as fire.

Anyways my point is that even though i love bonnie Hope is more powerful

Also i need a new episode of season 4 cause i need to see my bitch lizzie as a heretic

Another thing i love about legacies is all the old character guest stars

I ship Hope and Clarke

I ship Hosie...i tried to ship Hizzie but i just dont see it...but who fucking cares right cause i can ship whoever the fuck i want

I loved Josie and Penelope

i ship Lizzie with Mg and Sebastian.

i feel like lizzie and Ethan was a little too forced

im just gonna say fucking loving Kaleb and Cleo

And my baby Jed had his bi awakening...fucking finally

And Ric can go get another dead wife for all i fucking care

Hope you enjoyed my Legacies rant bitches

imma go pay attention to my teachers lecture now


btw i know no one aksed but i dont fucking care...My name is Jazmine

My bitch mom gave me a boring fucking name...

thanks mom 🙄

ok now im really gonna go


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