Always and For Never

26 4 55

This one is for people who dont have siblings

Stop asking for them cause you dont want them

Here's why...

So most people get the talk

ya know the one about being a young adult

Most girls get it from their moms

and most boys get it from their dads

But no me


I got it from my older brother 😳

it was so weird cause we were cleaning my backyard and all of a sudden he starts talking about nudes and asking me if i have a boyfriend

First of all...i dont...i have too many issues so no one wants to date me

Second he doesn't know im Bi so he was just talking about boys the whole time

And im just thinking about if i had a girlfriend

And he doesn't know I'm bi cause I'm afraid he'll tell my dad and i don't want my dad to know cause sadly he's a bit of a homophobe

And what made it even weirder is that i had to act innocent

See I'm 15 but my brothers think that i don't know anything about sex and all that so i have to pretend like i don't know so they don't ask me how i found out

I've actually known since is was 5 and my first kiss was in second grade behind the teachers reading chair

Like it's not the talk that made it weird

It was weird cause it was with my BROTHER

So yeah never get a brother

Anyways this next topic is for the girls only (although i doubt any boys are reading this)

Anyways...Periods are a bitch

Diamonds are a girls best friend and a period is a girls worst enemy

I'm lucky cause when i get my period i don't get cramps

but it also sucks cause since I've never had cramps so i don't know how to fake them so i can use them as an excuse to get out of doing stuff

Cramps are the worst part of a period but the blood leaks are the most annoying

like it's so hard to get the blood out of your clothes

My cousin turns into a real bitch when she's on her period

 she yells at my grandma

Like bitch just cause you have cramps doesn't mean you get to disrespect my favorite family member

the main point of this chapter it to tell you that despite what the Mikaelson's say...

Family sucks...

Except for my adoptive sisters 

Chloe and Violet



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