Kidnapped Part 1

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Weather : Winter

Setting:  Nightmare's Castle 

Characters: NightmareKiller, Little Crescent, Ink Random dude 1 and 2

The plot so let's just say Ink dislikes crescent because of his dad ( Aka Nightmare Sorry crescent) because well their enemies with each other and in Empireverse well in the storyline for people who don't know there are two empires that are at war even with the peace treaty and Ink was told to bring Crescent to some random guy since Ink betrayed dream in my au of this so yeah let's get this story over with :)

Crescent Pov

I had a lot of fun today I went to the castle garden to grab some flowers for mum I hope mama likes the flowers. Soon I went back inside the castle since it was raining but now mama said it was bedtime. I do remember seeing a figure outside one of the castle windows but I'm not sure who it is it's probably Uncle Error checking if there are any spiders since I don't like them.

I soon went upstairs to my bedroom and I was greeted by my bunny lunar doing a binky everywhere till the point where my Bulter had to put her with the other bunnies I have back in their playpen. It was already night time and the moon was at Waxing Crescent hmm that sounded like my name. Well now it was dinner time after about 10 minutes I wiped my mouth with the napkin gently and ran up to my room and I went to the bunnies' playpen and let them out for the night then I filled all of their litterboxes with hay and filled all their water bowls so they don't get hungry or thirsty. I went to brush my teeth and went to bed but before I closed my eyes I saw that  strange figure again outside my window I ran to Mama's boudoir and said: "Mama there's someone near my window!" I said with a frightening voice soon mama came up to me and caressed my cheek and said in his sweet voice " Are you sure my love it's probably Uncle Horror you know he goes outside at night to look at the stars right?" "Mhm" " Well then would you like me to read you your bedtime story?"

Nobody POV

Crescent went to sleep after the bedtime story and so did Killer, Nightmare, and all the staff except the guards who were outside Crescent's room. It was now 12:00 o clock at midnight as two people were getting ready to get into the castle by the hidden door in the garden. The two randomed people walked in carefully not trying to make any noise at all. They soon went to one of the castle halls where there's usually nobody there and one of them said in a whispered voice " Sir we are nearby crescent room what should we do right now?"  " Go to where the Guards are at and knock them out then go inside carefully and take crescent and return back to the base then we'll decide if we should end him or not" "  Alright sir"  The two went up to the guards behind and knock them straight to the ground being careful if they got caught. Both of the kidnappers soon creeped into Crescent's room when they heard footsteps so they hid in the closet

Soon they saw a skeleton with black tears walk in as he looked for something he soon heard a sound coming from the closet so he checked and found nothing so he closed it and walked away. They soon saw the skeleton leave when he kissed Crescent's forehead and soon walked out of the room and carefully close the door to not wake up Crescent. " Phew that was close" " Well if you didn't hit me on the shoulder that person could've found us and taken us to his highness!" "I know and I'm sorry," said the 2nd kidnapper "Alright were taking the prince now after I do something""Ok"

Gosh, that took forever well here you go, everyone, sorry to everyone if I didn't post because I need to fix some errors, grammar, and the story so I hope you enjoyed this chapter I don't know when I will be posting next but I have plans for part 2. 

Word count: 722

Start date Mar 7, 2022, when I actually did it

End Date Mar 13,2022

Part 2: Maybe on spring break

The next chapter: Will probably be in April or at End of March depending on if I have to do homework, group projects or I'm busy

But let me know if you all want part 2

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