Boruto's return

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Its been 30 years since the end of the 4 shinobi war and boruto left to train with sasuke on the war's 25th anniversary but he never stopped thinking about sarada and now she is all he thinks about

(In the woods sasuke is training boruto how to use a katana)

Boruto's POV

As I swung the sword into the tree it felt like my arms had lead weights tied to them the sweat was dripping down my forehead and into my eyes which made it difficult to see but for some reason I wasn't really concentrating all I could think about was going home to sarada


Ok boruto that's enough for today I can see how tired and exhausted you are go get cleaned up in that lake over there then come help me set up the tents tomorrow we go back to konoha

As the words echoed in my head I couldn't help but get excited finally after 5 long years I would see her again but I couldn't exactly talk to
mr sasuke about the fact that I had a huge crush on his daughter he'd probably kill me so I kept that part to myself and went to get cleaned up in the lake then I set up my tent and got inside but there was no way in hell I was sleeping tonight I just looked up at the sky not that I could see anything through the tent fabric I kept thinking about sarada and what I should say to her


Hi sarada it's been 5 years I never stopped thinking about you and I'm in love with you, no if I say that she'll think I'm a perv and she'll probably slap me ok ummm what about hey sarada long time no see huh so I'm in love with you, nope that's just weird boruto oh I got it hey sarada it's been a while hasn't it we should catch up when we have time meet me at ichiraku ramen tonight at 7pm ok (note: I have no idea if that's spelled right so sorry if it's not) yeah that's great but now I probably won't even recognise my own sister last I heard she had just graduated from the academy good job himawari your
big brother is so proud of you

The next day sasuke woke me up early like he usually did (not that I was sleeping though) to train a little more before we headed home so we did and after a few hours we were on our way home to konoha


so ummm boruto excited to see your family again today ?


*thinking about sarada* hmm oh yeah so excited I can't wait to hug my mom and see how much himawari has grown I doubt my dad will be there to welcome me home he's never there for me he never has been not since he became hokage anyway it's like he doesn't even care about me


*sighs* Boruto look I understand why you feel like that I do but you have to realise your dad has a really time consuming and dangerous job so he has to work alot to protect not only his own family but everyone in konoha


I know but it would be nice to see him every once in a while you know he's missed every one of my birthdays since he became hokage and then one year he was working on himawari's birthday after he PROMISED to be there so he sent a shadow clone but it disappeared abruptly while it was holding hima's cake and it went all over the floor


That must suck not having your dad at your birthday Boruto trust me I know but your dad works as hard as he does because that's what he's always done even when we were kids that's what he did he was an idiot most of the time in fact sometimes he still is honestly but he was one of if not the most hardworking guys I've ever known and I respect him for that I really do
*whispers* if you tell him I said that I'll cut your fucking hand off get it


*shicked at what he said and gulps*
y-y-yes s-s-sasuke I won't tell him I swear

Later that day we arrive back at the konoha entrance gates and see my mom my sister and sarada waiting for us and waving


Woah! Himawari is that really you look at how tall you are now and look at how beautiful you are now you look just like mom did when she was younger


*blushes* he he Boruto your too kind *hugs him* look at you my little boy all grown up you look so strong and mature now I've missed you so much


Thanks big brother *hugs him with Hinata* I've missed you too Boruto


It's good to see both of you I've missed you both so much I learned alot with sasuke but it's good to be home where I belong now if you'll excuse me *goes over to sarada and hugs her* hey Sarada it's been a while hasn't it we should catch up when we're both free meet me at ichiraku ramen tonight at 7pm so we can catch up ok that is if you want to and if its ok with you sensei


I don't see why not sure sarada you can go I bet you two have alot of stuff to talk about


*blushes then hugs both guys* hi dad hey Boruto I have missed you both like crazy and mom has missed you too dad and thanks for letting me go tonight and sure thing Boruto I'll see you then

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