Mission: part 3

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Boruto's POV

The next day the sun shined into the tent but the light was tinted blue as it shined through the tents fabric I woke up and I felt something heavy on my arm I looked over and there she was sleeping peacefully with her head on my arm she looked so beautiful as she slept but I had to wake her up so we could do our duties and finish the mission because it had been 9 days since I was home and I missed my family and the rest of my friends


Sarada my love its time to wake up we gotta get up so we can finish the mission princess *kisses her forehead softly*

She groaned at me as I tried to wake her up I could tell she wasn't ready to wake up yet but we had no choice


Why do we have to get up so early to look at some stupid forest just to make sure some old people don't die they'll die soon anyway

I laughed at that she was always a little grumpy when she first woke up in the morning but I loved it I thought it was adorable


Come on baby if you get up now and get dressed I'll make you some coffee ok I promise

After 5 minutes of complaints we got up got dressed and drank the coffee I made then we got into position and radioed to Shikadai


Shikadai it's Boruto we're in position for the day and we're ready if anything happens


Good morning Boruto and good job the 4 kage's are returning to their villages today so be on high alert you never know who's hiding out here today good luck and I'll check in again at 12 noon ok


Ok shikadai thanks see you soon radio if you need us or send up a flare and we'll be there

That day was actually pretty boring honestly we just sat in trees while my shadow clones were stationed at the vulnerable points along our section of the route we watched them come through the forest and we watched them leave the forest and radioed to Shikadai that it went smoothly then later that day Cho Cho and sumire radioed us all and said that the
4 kage's were safely back in their own villages so later that night we all met up at mine and Sarada's camp to celebrate a job well done


So anyway sensei and I were out training one day and we were sparring with our swords and I'll never know how I did this but when my sword hit his, the blade of sensei's sword broke in two though he'll never admit that I beat him if you ask him I guarantee he'll tell you he let me win that day but I beat him fair and square I promise


So my dad trained you well did he Boruto that's good I'll need a bodyguard when I become hokage


*sarcastically* oh lord hokage your wish is my command *bows to her then bursts out laughing* just kidding Sarada I'd be honoured to be your bodyguard when you become hokage you have my full support


Thanks Boruto that means alot that you support me becoming the hokage it's sweet of you to believe in me


So Sarada are you dating anyone currently ?

Sarada and I were so focused on the mission we realised we never told our friends that we had started dating I looked at Sarada and she nodded which was her way of saying
"tell them"


I'm dating Sarada we started dating the first night we got here we were just so focused on the mission I guess we forgot to tell you guys but we just did so yeah we're dating

All our friends were smiling and cheering for us and congratulating us and about an hour later everyone was back at their own separate camps so it was just me and the woman I loved it was perfect


Hey boruto when you were gone when did you realise you loved me exactly


Ummm let me think about six months after I left I was in my tent one night and I was thinking about how much I missed you and I just started crying because you weren't there I think that's when I first realised I had some kind of feelings for you why do you ask my love ?


No reason at all baby I was just curious as to when you knew that's all is that ok ?


It's completely fine baby what about you when did you first realise ?


Well it was the first birthday I had after you left I got upset looking at the empty chair beside me at my party it was meant for you so I set it up for you and saved it for you but then I remembered that you couldn't be there with me so that night I cried myself to sleep thinking about you and that's when I knew I felt something for you my love


Sarada my love when we get back to konoha tomorrow I wanna take you on a date a real one so I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 7pm ok and I'm going to take you out for dinner and then to my favourite place in the whole village


Oh Boruto that sounds wonderful I can't wait for our date tomorrow it will be nice just the two of us together no parents no friends no mission just us it will be perfect I love you
Boruto Uzumaki so much


And I love you Sarada Uchiha so much and your right baby just me and you together all night it will be perfect hey you wanna know something funny ?


Sure thing baby what's so funny exactly ?


The night before I came back to konoha I was in my tent and I couldn't sleep because I was so excited to see you after so long and I spent
half an hour just trying to figure out what to say to you because we hadn't seen each other for so long so I wanted whatever I said not to sound weird or pervy and I didn't want what I said to make you hate me


Baby *cups his cheek in her hand* I could never hate you ever I love you too much to hate you now come on let's get some sleep we're leaving pretty early tomorrow


So don't be grumpy when I wake you up tomorrow morning ok my love not that I don't love it when you get like that quite honestly I find it adorable and kinda funny but still the point is don't do it ok


*looks at him with a serious look on her face* Boruto I will make no such promises you know how unpredictable I can be in the morning so don't ask me to make an impossible promise ok


*laughs* ok baby whatever you say now let's get some sleep.....oh and Sarada *whispers in her ear* thanks for being my girlfriend I love you

With that she melted into my arms and she fell asleep as I held her then I fell asleep myself I was just happy to be beside her I couldn't help but watch her sleep as my own eyes got heavy and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep smiling that night because I loved her so much

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