Mission: part 2

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Boruto's POV

We woke up early the next morning and I couldn't help but look into her eyes and I kissed her we got dressed ate breakfast and started watching our area if the route Sarada and I were in the middle and I had my shadow clones positioned at the 5 vulnerable spots along our oart of the route


*radios Shikadai* we're in position dude but everything is clear and calm so far but don't worry if anything happens we're ready


Good job you two keep an eye out for anything and I'll check in at 12 noon alright

Boruto & Sarada:

Ok shikadai see you then


*hugs Sarada from behind* so yesterday I asked you a question and I'm going to ask you again are you currently dating anyone hmmm


*catches on to his sarcasm* well actually I am dating someone a really sexy blonde guy with blue eyes and whiskers on his face and a sword on his hip like the one my dad has in fact my dad trained him at first he was only my friend but now I'm in love with him


Oh really well the guy your dating is in love with you too *kisses her* somethings coming I can sense the unfamiliar chakra get ready just in case


Right baby be careful I love you *gets in a fighting stance activates her sharingan and readies her kunai* ready Boruto ?


I'll be careful baby I promise you be careful too and I'm ready I love you too *draws my sword and activates my jougan* I'm ready if there's anyone there I suggest you come out now my friend here can burn this whole place down to find you so make it easy and come out hands up and maybe we'll let you live

A group of thugs came out of the bushes there must've been 8 or 9 of them 5 surrendered but we still had the others to deal with Sarada tied up the 5 that surrendered and sent up a flare suddenly we had them surrounded and we tied them up and sent for back up to come get them

Thug 1:

It's not over kid mark my words the akatsuki (did I spell that right ? ) will return and claim the lives of those who wronged us just you watch


No they won't and if you threaten my daughter and her friends again I'll take down your entire organisation myself but you'll do for now BORUTO! Help me get rid of these scum bags will you


Dad! Thanks for coming we really needed the help I owe you one


Yes sensei! So what should we do sensei torture or just start cutting bits off till they tell us


Let's try torture first I'm in a good mood today hold my cloak and sword please Boruto but have my sword ready for me


Yes sensei!

Within 10 minutes we had the location of every single akatsuki (again not sure if that's spelled right sorry in advance) supporter and base after we had the information we wrote it all down and sent it to my dad back in konoha then sasuke killed all of them


*looks at his victims* I'm sorry it had to end this way I didn't want to take your lives but you left me no choice may you rest peacefully


*hugs her dad and boruto* are you two ok I heard screaming from the woods over there


That wasn't us Sarada unfortunately I had to kill nine prople to prevent them leaking our location and information we got everything we needed from them and sent it back to naruto but I'm sorry you had to be here and watch me kill after I swore I'd never kill again


It's ok dad you had no choice you were protecting us and the village like always so its ok I still love you


Thankyou sweetheart oh and your mom sent these for you and your friends *pulls out a box* it's your mom's cookies have fun on your mission and thanks for looking after her Boruto *leaves*


Thanks dad these are the best tell mom I miss her


Its no problem sensei she's my best friend *winks at her* I'd protect her with my life I give you my word I will bring her home to you

Later that day the 4 kage's came to konoha and we watched the route all day until we got confirmation from Shikadai that they were safely in konoha so we all met up at mine and Sarada's camp for lunch and later that night it was just me and her it was great


Hey boruto can I ask you something if that's ok with you *blushes*


Sure baby what is it you can ask me anything you want


*nervous & blushing* ummm will you ummm put your fingers in me tonight I wanna know what it feels like


Ummm s-s-sure Sarada anything for you baby

Later that night we were in the tent together when Sarada tapped me on the shoulder


Yes baby what's up ?


Do it to me now please

So I told her to lay down she did then she slipped off her panties and opened her legs I couldn't help but stare there was her most intimate spot it was pink and looked so soft so I started gently rubbing around her entrance in slow circles to tease her eventually I slipped two fingers in and moved them in and out of her slowly I did this for about 5 minutes getting faster little by little until I felt a wetness on my fingers


*panting* he he sorry about that Boruto but That. Was. Amazing.


I'm glad you liked it baby but it's late and we gotta be up early tomorrow to watch the route so let's get some sleep


Ok but hey Boruto wanna take a bath in the lake with me I gotta clean myself up after that he he I love you so much

So we went to the lake together and I watched her undress I get stunned every time I see her naked body I thought to myself
"how did I get so lucky with her" we bathed then got out dried ourselves off got dressed went back to camp crawled into the tent and I held her as she slept I was so happy to be there with her in my arms I kissed her forehead as my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep holding her just the way I liked it

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