Infiltration mission: part 1

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Boruto's POV

After we left my dad's office we all went home and packed all our mission gear and met back up at my dad's office


*serious* Ok dad we're ready!


Good now here's the name of our contact in the wind village who can get you somewhere to stay and proper identification if your caught *hands them a piece of paper* now go and good luck and all of you better come back alive and in one piece am I understand ?

- in unison -


We left konoha without our headbands or ID cards so if we were caught we couldn't be traced back to konoha later that night we decided to set up camp and continue towards the wind village the next day


Hey Sarada look at me ok *cups her cheeks and looks into her eyes* I know your scared my love because I am too but I promise you this nothing is going to happen to you or Mitsuki while I'm here ok baby *kisses her softly*


*kisses back* mmmmmmm ok baby I trust you and yeah your right I am scared what if we get caught or what if something goes wrong and one of us gets hurt or worse killed


Sarada me and Boruto will make sure we're all safe and we'll make sure that we're never caught in fact let's make a deal to protect each other at all times no matter what is that a deal ?


See baby you have two bodyguards so there's no need to worry and that's a great plan Mitsuki deal!


Thanks guys that makes me feel a little better and Mitsuki deal! I'll protect you both with my life if I have to your my friend and the man I love I won't let anyone take you guys away from me or your families I swear

We talked and planned stuff out for about another hour or so then we all started yawning and feeling our eyes getting heavy so we packed up the maps and stuff and we all got some sleep so we could be up and going ASAP the next day I thought to myself as I looked at a Sleeping Sarada "as soon as we get home I'm asking her to marry me"

The next day we all woke up to the sun shining through the tent so we got up ate breakfast got ready packed up and started going towards the
village hidden in the wind and we got there about two hours later


Ok according to the note your dad gave us we have to go to
nature's beauty garden centre and ask for Yoshimara Nakadai and say "the wind has carried the leaves here to greet you" and she should know what we need when we say that


Ok then let's go get started the quicker we do this the quicker we can go home and one more thing if it looks like they're about to launch the attack on konoha we have to stall them for long enough so my dad can at least ready his troops and evacuate the village hell if we can get enough time we stall them until the information is with my dad then my dad can stop them hopefully


Look there's the garden centre we need let's go

So we went inside and made it look like we were looking for something so we didn't look suspicious soon enough we found the woman we were looking for


Excuse me miss are you
Yoshimara Nakadai by any chance ?


Why yes dear I am what can I help you with today young man ?


Well umm *whispers to Yoshimara* "the wind has blown the leaves here to greet you"


Ah yes if you'll follow me the roses are this way *whispers to Boruto* so your who Naruto sent follow me and I'll get you your ID cards and then I'll take you to the safe house


*nods* thankyou madam see my fiancé and I were thinking of planting a few rose bushes in our garden as we've just moved here with my brother and we want our new house to look good

Later that day we had our ID cards and we were unpacking our stuff in the safe house and then we got ready to make our move that night but until then we just hung out in the safe house and watched tv later that night we had just snuck in to the kage tower and into the office but just then we heard someone coming so we had to run back to the safe house as fast as we could so we weren't caught


Thank god there weren't any security guards or security cameras or we would've been so screwed back there but damn it I saw a safe in there so we'll have to go back tomorrow night and see if we can get into it


And that locked filing cabinet in there I bet there's documents in there about all his plans for the konoha attack and any other stuff he has planned


You guys are right but let's do this one thing at a time now I'm pretty good at picking locks so let's try the filing cabinet first while I work on that Sarada you take pictures of the safe so we can figure out what we're working with here and Boruto you and your jougan are on look out duty so then we can sense the chakra and get out quickly


Mitsuki sometimes I forget what a genius you are when it comes to stealing stuff


Everyone has their talents my friend mine is stealing


Good plan though mitsuki your a genius ok let's go back to the safe house and plan this out nothing can go wrong with this and I mean nothing the fate of the village literally rests on our shoulders so we have to do this precisely and quickly so we can get in get what we need and get out before we're caught


Right you are my love we gotta be careful with this one wrong move and we're all dead

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