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Chapter Three

To Natalie, NewYork was basically a safer version of Gotham City. Which was true seeing as in her world that's what it is. So it didn't make her so home sick as she walked the it's streets. She would just sing in her head, or hmm the song that she was working on at the time. It was weird though when she saw merchandise of 'The Avengers' instead of the Justice League. She still thought it was odd how Captain American and Wonder Woman were in a way the same person, or rather the same story. Along with Bruce, her Bruce, and Tony being the same person. And that there was a Bruce in both universes that were saving lives, even if it was completely different. But this was her eleventh visit to this world, and she slowly got used to it. But even though she had been there that many times, she still could not get over the people. They just seemed more stupid and nice, compared to what she was used to. Well the words 'stupid', and 'nice' weren't really the most appropriate for this as 'innocent' fits what she saw them as better. And it was true. This world had barely went through anything compared to her home world. This place has an incident one a year, we're her home world has one or two almost every day. They were on completely different scales.



Natalie was cut from her thoughts as she bumped into a reddish brown haired girl. "Seriously! Again!" The brunette angrily yelled out. But the girl, that she swore bumped into on purpose, was quickly gone. Though the young woman felt odd after that, like if she was in a small haze for a few moments. Due to her needing to regain her composure before she went back on her way. But what the Atlantan didn't notice, was the red glow that hung around her for a couple seconds before seemingly absorbed into her body.


The briefing room of the tower was slowly being filled with the worlds mightiest heroes. Most of which had just gotten back from there own tasks just in time for it. All of them just talking to one another about normal non life threatening things, such as 'how's the family', 'any dates lately', or 'what are you doing later'. Basic and normal conversations. But that all died down once Fury came into the room with Maria Hill.

"I understand you were all called in from things of your own. But the woman that I all gave you a task on investigating into was more important." The man said, causing most of the Avengers to sit up straight at the mans serious attitude. Fury gave a look at Hill, and she clicked a few things before a picture of the woman in question popped up on the screen. "As you know, this is your target, Natalie Faith Smith. Over the last three years she has popped up for a week or two, and then is able to disappear without a trace. Only to pop up again after a few months or so." The pictures change on the screen. Some of the woman doing normal things, like running in the park, shopping, or even at work. But others were of her helping pedestrians that were in trouble, going into hospitals at night, and there even was a single small couple second video clip of her during the invasion of NewYork taking down Chitauri.

The group was surprised at this information. As they didn't expect anything like this, due to most of the group thinking that she looked harmless. But also from the lack of evidence or information connecting her to anything or anyone of interest. Especially nothing that would be considered a threat on there radars. For god sakes, there wasn't even a parking ticket on her record. To them she was squeaky clean.

"All S.H.I.L.D. has been able to gather about her would be her name, which you all know, that she's 21 years old, an orphan since the age of five, is the CEO and owner of the AquaLife Preservation along with the Atlantan Café, and lives in the more wealthy side of Queens." While Nick was speaking Maria Hill passed out folders with all the information on Natalie. Everyone was looking through them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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