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For the next few days Willow tried staying at the house but with everything that happened to her there she couldn't. Every night she kept waking up with nightmares. She decided to pack a bag and find somewhere else to stay. But before she left she decided to leave Dean a note and leave it where he can find it easily.

I'm sorry but I can't stay here anymore. I've tried but I can't seem to get any sleep. I just need a little more time to cope and being here is not helping. I don't know where I'll be exactly yet.

She decided on a hotel room but as she was driving another place popped into head so she went there instead.
She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

He opens the door and see her standing there, "Oh hey Willow." He smiles at her, "Come on in." He steps to the side so she could walk in.

"Hey Sammy." She smirks, "I know, sorry only Dean gets to call you that."

He chuckled lightly "Eh it's okay. So uh what's up? I'm sorry to hear about what happened."

"Yeah me too." She nodded. "I just came over for a visit and ask for a favor."

"Oh and what would that be?" He asks motioning for them to sit on the couch.

She sits down, bites part of her bottom lip then starts talking, "Well, uhm, I went back to the house after I was released from the hospital. I figured maybe just facing that place again would help me get over what happened but the truth is." She takes a deep breath and let's it out "I'm suffering there, I wake up at every sound. And I've been waking up from nightmares every night. I just can't sleep. And I was wondering if I could possibly stay here for a few days."

"Oh wow uhm." He swallows, "I don't see a problem with it but as you know Nova is living here with me and I gotta talk to her about it too. Which." He puts one hand on his chest and reaches the other one towards her, "I don't think she'll have a problem with it since you two are friends. But it's only out of respect to consult with her before hand."

"Oh no." She shook her head and waved her hand in the air, "I totally understand."

He looks up at the clock on the mantle, "If you want to hang out you can, she'll be home from work in about an hour or so."

"Okay thank you." She smiles as she nods.

An hour and half later in walks Nova from work.

"Hey sweetie." Sam smiles at her, "We have a guest." He motions towards Willow.

"Hello, oh my God Willow!" She shrieked, walked over quickly and gave Willow a big hug. "I've missed seeing you girly!"

"I've missed you too." She giggled lightly as she hugged Nova back.

"How the hell are ya?"

"I'm good considering." She looks down.

"So Willow came to ask a favor." Sam decided to change the subject.

"Oh?" Nova questioned looking from Willow to Sam.

He rubs the back of his neck, "She wanted to know if she could stay here for a few days. She can't be over at Dean's anymore because of everything."

"Oh of course!" Nova nodded, "Where is your stuff?"

"I only brought one bag with me for now. I figured I don't need any more than that for now."

"Oh okay, understandable." Nova smiles and rubs Willows back.

"So how is my brother dealing with all of this? Or is he even reacting like he even cares?" Sam wondered out loud.

"Sam!" Nova scolded.

"No it's okay, it's a logical question." Willow shrugged one shoulder, "When I first went home after the hospital stay we fought, and I even pretty much accused him of not dealing with it but uh he showed me something that shocked me. He showed me what he did which was he bashed in his cars trunk lid. Which surprised me a lot."

"Oh wow." Both Nova and Sam exclaimed at the same time then he said, "Then yeah he must have been pissed enough to take it out on his car like that."

"Yeah." Willow breathed out then said, "As we were hugging it out though, he had tears roll down his face. I don't know if it was from what happened to me or because of what he did to his car."

"More than likely from both because despite the business he's in, he loves you so much." Sam stated and the girls nodded. "Well you girls stay in here and chat, let me go out and get your bag."

"Okay thank you." Willow smiles lightly and hands Sam the keys to her car. "It's in the backseat."

With that he took the keys from her and went out to get her bag.

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