4. The Falling Spitfire

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Finley walks upstairs with Peter to talk to Mr Dawson. 

She speaks lowly so the Soldier won't hear anything "The blood won't stop, should we turn back?" She asked Peter's father.

Mr Dawson shook his head "Come too far"  he admitted

An explosion went off near by causing the Soldier to move into a foetal position and cover his head, he looked scared once more. 

A few hours later Mr Dawson is at the helm, once more guiding them in the route they are meant to be going in, studying the horizon. He then hears something and starts scanning the sky while Peter and Finley follow his gaze to see what he is looking for turns out he saw a plane.

Almost instantly Mr Dawson throws the wheel, bearing the starboard, hard , throttling up 

"Heinkel" Mr Dawson said pointer at the minesweeper heading towards them "They'll go for the mind sweeper" Mr Dawson added 

"Shouldn't we stand by, to pick up survivors?" Peter asked his father

"To do that we have to survive ourselves" Mr Dawson replied back almost immediately 

As the boat motors away, Finley looks back to see the Heinkel and it's two fighters moving toward the minesweeper.

While Moonstone ploughs through the swell, Peter and Finley both look back at the Heinkel coming over the minesweeper.

"Spitfires, Dad, Spitfires!" Peter called out 

Mr Dawson then turns around to look at the two spitfires diving at the German bomber and it's fighter escort- One spitfire dives right between two 109's setting one alight.

"He got him, He got him!" Finley announced as the other spitfire flies close to the Heinkel, which turns away from the ship- Mr Dawson eases back on the speed.

"The Heinkel's moved off" Mr Dawson said, calmly but it wasn't so calm. As they watched one of the spitfires started to smoke. 

"oh no" Peter said, panicking 

 Mr Dawson sees the smoke- then throws the wheel, spinning theyacht around to heads back. 

"Watch for a parachute!" Mr Dawson yelled to both Peter and Finley, so they both kept watch but there was no chute 

Mr Dawson sped towards to sinking plane 

"Mr Dawson there was no chute" Finley told him but he just kept on speeding towards the plane 

"Dad, there was no chute, he's probably dead-" Peter said to his father 

"Damn it Peter, I hear you, I hear you, but he might be alive, maybe" Mr Dawson yelled looking at both Finley and Peter then he turned his head back around to continue to try and save the pilot

Soon enough Moonstone gets closer to the spitfire bobbing in the waves, close enough to see that it's sinking slowly but quickly. 

"Peter, go forward with boat hook" Mr Dawson ordered his son so as Peter did that Finley went down stairs do check on her brother, turns out he was sleeping, but she sat down beside hi  anyway. 

As they got to the Spitfire, Peter hit the hook onto the glass of the plane so it would smash and the pilot would make it out alive and safe.

When the glass breaks the pilot, from the spitfire, makes it to the surface of the water then looks around and looks up at Peter who's holding the hook out for him to hold to get onto Moonstone. Just then the Pilot takes hold of the boat hook then speaks

"Afternoon" He says as Peter helps him out of the water and on board the yacht. 

After Peter got the Pilot who's name he learned to be is Collins, a towel to dry himself off with the best he could they both went downstairs only to see Finley who offered Collins a small smile and he returned the small gesture.

"Do you think there is a way we could help him?" Peter asked Collins, referring to George

"I don't really know, son. You were right not to move him" Collins said reassuringly then he spoke again " You've done the best for him you can" 

When Collins and Peter walk upstairs, Finley isn't close behind leaving her brother once again then made it onto deck 

The Soldier watched Finley come onto the deck then got up and went to talk to her 

"Is he alright?" He asked looking guilty 

"No" she shook her hear slightly "No, he's not" she said sadly with a bit of a glare but the thing was she never actually saw what happened so there is no reason for her to glare, just then a loud bang was heard and the soldier returned himself to where he was and Peter ran to the bow. 

A blue fishing trawler a quarter of a mile ahead of them was currently sinking...


The story continues...

How do you like it so far? I'm trying to give Finley some of Peter's dialogue since they are best friends :))

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