Chapter 1: Long ago on Earth

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350 years before the war of KO-35...

-Zordon: "Adrius, it's time to use it."

-Adrius: "I understand Zordon. Alpha, would you help me?"

-Alpha 5: "Ai yiyi, i do it right now."

-Z: "Good luck my friend, come back soon."

-A: "I'll be right back before Alpha needs a maintenance."

That's after his last words and when Alpha pushed a button we last seen Adrius on Earth. He was teleported on an other planet.

They found Adrius in a small town called Angel Grove near the command center where both Zordon and Alpha 5 live. Sports and library, that's the summary of his life. A lonely boy, Zordon needed it for a mission.

After a first and hazardous teleportation, Adrius vomited on the ground of the command center. He quickly recovered and looked around himself. All this technology, but nothing he could understand. And then...

Zordon: "Hello Adrius."

Adrius: "Where... Where... Where am i?"

*Coming from nowhere* Alpha 5: "Ai yiyi, Welcome to our command center."

A: "Who or what are you?"

Z: "I am Zordon, an interdimensional being. I'm trapped in this tube after a long war many centuries ago. And this is Alpha 5, my friend and robotic assistant."

Adrius started to panic, looking for an exit in every way but nothing noticeable. He knelt down and began to cry.

Z: "Calm down and listen to me. You are here for a good reason. We need you."

A: "You... You need me?"

Z: "Let me explain. Look at this globe, it will show you the past."

Adrius stood up and looked at the big white globe. Pictures started to scroll, looking like an old fight.

Z: "This is very old, almost ten thousand years ago. At this time, i was a Power Ranger, the Golden Ranger. I was fighting against Rita, an evil witch. I won the war but it cost my carnal envelope. Rita was kicked off the planet in a dumpster and she's been floating in space ever since."

A: "..." 

Images stopped on the globe. Adrius, confused, turned himself and looked at Zordon who continued to speak.

Z: "All those years, the earth was quite in peace. No evil monsters were looking to conquer this planet. But few years ago, a monster has been discovered on a planet named Strubeus. No one can defeat him. Our only hope, a Power Ranger. You."

A: "But i don't even know what a Power Ranger is..."

A5: "Ai yiyi... Zordon, do you really think he is the good one? Ai yiyi..."

Z: "Don't worry Alpha, he's the one we need. Adrius let me explain. A Power Ranger is a human with powers given by Morphers. Those Morphers give amazing powers to their users. They become stronger, smarter, and help them to fight evil."

Adrius was still a bit lost and speechless.

Z: "But Morphers can bring out the evil in the person using it. That's why we were looking at you for the past years. We wanted to be sure you're the one."

A: "And so i am the one. Okay, that is nice. But for what?"

Z: "I can't be a Ranger anymore. You have to replace me and become a Power Ranger to help the planet Strubeus. They need someone to save their planet. But we need to train you."

A: "Do i have a choice? I could go back to Angel Grove and be safe."

Z: "You would prefer stay alone for the rest of your life? Or becoming a Power Ranger and help the universe?"

Adrius became speechless again. He turned his back on Zordon, going straight ahead a small light in the dark, the exit. But just before he left...

Z: "You don't want to leave this power, i know it, i feel it."

Adrius stopped, and at this moment, he knew that his destiny will be to be a Power Ranger.


I'm a French fan of Power Rangers since my youngest age. I may do some errors in my english. This is a pure fan-fiction. I only take the canon part of MMPR. So nothing about the movie of 1995 or 2017.

The story will be short. Maybe 10 chapters maximum, no more.

If people wants to draw some stuff for fun i can put it in my Fan-Fic and show it to the world.

Thanks for reading, don't hesitate to note, give your impressions and share for other fans <3

Gogo Power Rangers!

The Lost RangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora