Chapter 6: Some Survivors?

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-A-P: "They would be alive..."

Stupor among the Strubesians. After all these centuries, there would be survivors in the caves! Survivors of the disease and the permanent night offered by those caves. But something intrigues and shocks Ake-Polda even more.

-A-P: "He is so tall!"

Looking at the stunned body, we quickly realize that it is much larger than all the Strubesians here. Adrius is shocked by the size of it and genuinely wonders if it's a Strubesian.

-A: "Are you sure he is a Strubesian? There is still a large different in... size."

Tesuafa then intervenes with the gold ranger.

-T: "According to some legends, thousands of years ago, the Strubesians were great warriors, both in skill and size. But as peace settled on the planet, there was no longer a need for such a build and the average decreased over the centuries."

-A-P: "I thought it was just a legend. We have proof now that the genes have survived and that is possible that the great Strubesians warriors still exist."

Without waiting, they tie up the big guy, no risks needed. Everyone then enters the caves and the mages close the entrances while leaving an exit door in case they have to flee urgently.

The cave is really large, you can easily set up camp there. It is getting late and a rotation system is in place to protect each tunnel leading to another area is lit so there will be no unpleasant surprises. Everything has been checked, the area is safe.

While the Strubesians are sleeping, except the few warriors guarding the entrances, Adrius cannot sleep. After discovering the legend of the great Strubesians warriors, he wonders what he will discover in these famous Cursed Caves of Larinoas.

Although tense of many Strubesians, the night passed without incident. Hunters and gatherers are sent outside the cave to collect food in the morning.

During this time, the camp is reinforced as well as all the tunnels. Before exploring, it is imperative that the Strubesians are sheltered. Returning with the food, the hunters and gatherers prepare the meal whil the tables are prepared.

As they sit down to eat, a shrill shout comes out of one of the tunnels. All the soldiers then move towards it and Adrius transforms immediately. The Strubesians who cannot fight take cover and the guarding of the other tunnels is reinforced.

 The Strubesians who cannot fight take cover and the guarding of the other tunnels is reinforced

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-A: "Did you see anything?" Asks Adrius, worried.

In unison, the two warriors present at the moment of the shout reply that no, nothing has moved. A mage sends a ball of light into the tunnel to see if anyone is there. Nothing again. With a determined step, Adrius sinks into the tunnel, followed by some warriors.

-A: "We must go there, waiting will not help. We have to know what is happening there. Stay on your guard."

It doesn't take them long to arrive in another cave, much larger than their own. There's nothing except a bonfire in the middle.

"A fire, in the middle with nothing else, it must be a trap." Exclaims a soldier.

Adrius looks at him and nods. Without a word and with a wave of his hand, he asks a mage to send a ball of light so that he can see the whole cave. As it reaches its zenith and illuminate the entire cave, he can three huge warriors at each other three entrances of the cave.

-A: "Serious things begin... Form two groups, and let me have those opposite. Don't kill them. We need them alive."

Mages and warriors split up to face what appear to be some great Strubesian warriors. The mages aime to strengthen the warriors physically and also heal them as long as they can.

Adrius doesn't question himself and rushes towards the trio on the other side of the flames. The flames explode when he passes over it and he is sent into the air. Like a feline, he lands on his two legs, without any worries.

-A: "So it was a trap, well tried. Now our turn."

He resumes his forward march and attacks the one on the right first. With a great punch, he knocks him out and he falls to the ground. But the other react quickly nd cling to Adrius without trying to hurt him. They even release him.

-??: "Let us be free, we don't want to fight."

Adrius understands quickly and turns to the other fights.


While Adrius' companions had quickly taken the advantage over their opponents, the latter did not attack and were content to defend their position. Just protecting their respective tunnels.

-A: "They don't want to fight. There's no point to continue, they mean us no harm."

Everyone gathers with the members of their camp around the fire in the middle of the room. One of the great warriors approaches and speaks.

-Ake-Vasil: "I introduce myself, i am Ake-Vasil, the leader of the Strubesians who survived in these undergrounds."

-A: "I'm honored, here i am Adrius and this Ake-Polda, his mages and warriors. They are the last surviving Strubesians on the planet."

-A-P: "We are no longer the last now. Excuse us for this aggressive intrusion, we re looking for a place to train and take shelter from the evil that has attacked our planet."

-A-V: "We know it, and that's why we didn't fight back. What's a threat for you, is a threat for us. Follow us, we will be delighted to welcome you to our city."

Adrius and Ake-Polda are surprised to hear that there is an underground city. Ake-Polda asks his mages and warriors to return to the camp, they will come back for them later. Both follow the great Strubesians warriors now.

Everyone then takes the tunnel where the leader of the great warriors was placed, the most important door to defend. The further they go, the deeper they sink. At the end, a light, stronger and stronger. Finally, they arrive. Adrius then raises his head.

-A: "Wow, amazing!"

PS: As you can see, a wonderful drawing was made by

Of course, drawings of this quality are not free and i would like to put more of them in my fan-fiction.

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See ya there :P

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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