Chapter 4.

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"So Kris" Angela called

"Yeah" I answered while resting on my back in the beds meant for residents.

"It must be nice being part of the Golden-Andreassen 's circle" she said looking at me now.

"It's not that big deal Angela, I didn't even know Astrid Golden-Andreassen existed until I was introduced to her" I told her while Lily was watching us

"Anyway how do you know the family?" Lily asked me

"I am engaged to be married to Samantha, who is Mr Alex's niece" I told them

"This just gets keep on getting better and better" Angela said with a bitter tone "If I never saw your academic results, I would've assumed the worst" she said.

"You have every right to assume so Ms Rose" Astrid said "Kristopher I wanna talk to you privately, you'll find me in my office." she told me walking away. I followed after her and into her office.

Astrid's office

"I wanted to give you this document and you can also give Samantha hers too" she said handing me an envelope "Those are NDAs for you guys to sign, if you want to go to this party this weekend, I expect those back tomorrow, you can go" she told me ...

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"I wanted to give you this document and you can also give Samantha hers too" she said handing me an envelope "Those are NDAs for you guys to sign, if you want to go to this party this weekend, I expect those back tomorrow, you can go" she told me looking right at my eyes.

I walked out of her office ripping the envelope with my name on it and reading the Nda. For the first part it was a what I would assume a regular NDA until I got to $500 000 000 I have to pay if I was to break the agreement and I knew then that I was desperate enough to know or party with the Golden-Andreassen kids because wow!. Luckily my shift was over, I texted Sam to meet me at our apartment then hurried home because this NDA was ridiculous.

Kris apartment

"Hey Bae" Sam said pecking my lips and taking a seat besides me

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"Hey Bae" Sam said pecking my lips and taking a seat besides me.

"Sam what the fuck is this?" I asked her giving her the documents

She read it over "Oh this is an NDA babe and everyone who has relations with the Golden-Andreassen has to sign it" she said as if I asked her what day it is today.

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