□Season 1 Episode 4: Two for just a princess hero□

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|Before we start I wanna say this is kinda of a relationship between Joshua and Curtis for Bianca. So what will happen. Oh don't worry because the ending will be good so lets continue on shall we?

Third person P.O.V

□The Crystalix Squad had been in the Warvengers for more than two weeks as the rest of the other members started to have interest in them. And they were able to help in other missions. Right now, Knight Kiss, the evil queen's servant, just summoned her Futarian to attack a carnival, almost collecting enough magic from everyone. Luckily the Crystalix Squad, now transformed, arrived to defeat the Futarian, but it was persistent and strike back. □

Knight Kiss: How stupid of you all to show up and ruin the fun.

Cuphead: Stupid?! This was stupid of you to nearly destroy this fun land and make it a sad land instead. (Blasts fire)

Candace: We won't let you ruin everyone's happy experiences and surprises. (shoots sun orbs.)

Knight Kiss: And I beg to differ seeing you do this. Futarian, strike back!

□The Futarian agreed and roared, going on a rampage and chasing the Crystalix Squad while they were able to dodge. However, it managed to grab Bianca who tried to do Beauty Tranquility Shot. Rayman tried to jump and use Galactic Star Punch, only for him to get a knock out.□

Bianca: Hey! Let me go!

Knight Kiss: Urgh, so stupid for you to say that. You lost and now this is the end. Let her go.

□The Futarian agreed once again and dropped Bianca. She screamed and close her eyes, however opened them to realize she was held. She turned to see Sonic who came to rescue her before she almost got her head bashed. His friends also showed up to win the Futarian. Rayman and the others gasped in relief seeing Bianca okay as she and Sonic landed safe and she got off.□

Amber lily: Bianca thank goodness you're okay.

Bianca: Yeah, anyways are you okay Rayman?

Rayman: Urgh...yeah don't worry, I'm all okay. (Turns to Sonic) How did you guys know we were there?

Sonic: Joshua feared something was not going right so he sent me and the others to investigate. Only to find out you needed an extra hand.

Knight Kiss: What is this! A fight or Snow White's animal friends?

Tails: Is that your enemy?

Martin: Yep (points at Futarian) do you think you guys can help us with her...?

Knuckles: Sure thing! Let's get this over with.

□Sonic and his friend helped the Crystalix Squad defeat the Futarian. It first sends a hit, but Knuckles blocked it and strike back at it, making the Futarian fall and got stuck by Curtis's ice freeze. Knight Kiss was not having it and took out her swords, only to have to fight Amy Rose who used her hammer to block the swords.□

Sonic: Now Crystalix Squad!

Crystalix Squad: Got it!

□The Crystalix Squad activated their gem scepters and did a Serenity Crystalline Finale Rainboom, which defeated the Futarian. Knight Kiss was extremely furious. □


Chris: Urgh, fighting sure can be tiring, but hey at least we have help along the way.

Mugman: Well, we still want to thank you for helping us.

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